Chapter 5

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Aric scanned his surroundings as he and  the others made their way into the study area of Quan Chi's fortress. Johnny, Sonya and a couple of soldiers followed behind the Edenian.

"Nope. No evil sorcerers in here." Johnny said.

"Would you get serious?" Sonya said with a small smile.

"Quan Chi needs to clean up his man cave."

"Its cleaner than yours." Sonya shot back.

"You're comparing me to Quan Chi?" Johnny asked a little offended.

"Only in terms of cleanliness." she smirked.

Aric smiled at their antics as he approached a pool in the corner of the room, there was red liquid flowing in it and it bubbled ominously.

"What's this?" Johnny asked as he stood next to Aric.

"Pool of death?" Aric offered.

Johnny then crouched down and looked at it carefully.

"I wouldn't do that." Sonya said.

"Come on. Where's your sense of....." Johnny was cut off as the liquid turned into a whirlpool before he could touch it. "...Adventure."

"You wish for adventure?" A voice asked.

They all turned and saw Quan Chi step out of a portal with Jax, Sub Zero and Scorpion.

"You shall have it." Quan Chi added.

"Fire!" Sonya commanded.

The soldiers then opened fire on them. But Quan Chi created a magic shield of skulls and blocked the shots, then Sub Zero blasted ice at the soldiers and Aric. The soldiers got frozen in ice but Aric used his green flames and blocked the attack before blasting it toward them, scattering them.

"Johnny, remember what we practised." Aric said. "Your green halo won't come if you suppress it, let it flow freely."

"Got it." Johnny said before a green halo started to surround him.

Sonya engaged Scorpion and kicked him in the chest, he retaliated and punched her in the face before kicking her in the gut. But she then avoided his next hit and whacked him with her elbow across the jaw.

"Dunno when to quit, do ya?" she said.

Johnny kicked Sub Zero away with green energy trailing behind, then he punched Jax in the ribs before jumping up and punching him in the face. Then he knocked him to the floor. Then he attacked Sub Zero again and hit twice over the head before punching him in the face.

Aric formed green flames and blocked Quan Chi's magic skull projectiles, then he blasted the flames at the sorcerer who had little time to react. Quan Chi fell back and was punched in the face as he got up, he recoiled from the hit but was then given a fiery kick by the Edenian prince in the gut and he flew back.

"Its over, Quan Chi." Sonya said.

"A delay, Ms Blade. The inevitable beckons." Quan Chi said.

Then Johnny yelled in pain as a blade was stabbed through his chest from behind, Jax was behind him and then pulled the blade out.

"Johnny!" Sonya said.

"Not this time." Aric said before he kicked Jax back with a flaming kick.

Then Sonya went to Johnny's side and saw the blood pouring out of him, then she noticed that his Revenant self was being formed in the pool.

Then Raiden appeared from a lightning strike.

"Raiden!" Sonya said.

"I must reverse the spell." Raiden said before blasting bolts at Johnny's Revenant in the pool and started to chant.

Quan Chi blasted a skull projectile at Raiden.

"You cannot save him."

Raiden staggered back from the hit and the reverse spell got cancelled and the Revenant started to come out more.

"You're weak, Thunder god." Quan Chi said. "Johnny Cage is mine."

"No. He is mine." Sonya glared before looking at Raiden. "Save him."

Jax stabbed one of his spikes at Aric who blocked it before hitting the Revenant across the jaw, then he kneed him in the face. Jax staggered from the hit before dropping to his knees, Aric walked up and formed a flame around his fist before hitting Jax straight in the face and he fell back hard and lay still.

Sonya was able to beat Quan Chi and had him on his knees.

"Sonya Blade! The link with Quan Chi is not completely severed." Raiden said.

"Not a problem." Sonya said cracking her knuckles as she approached the downed Quan Chi.

Then she started to absolutely beat the living crap out of him and ended it by stomping on his groin, which made Aric wince a bit.

Then Johnny's Revenant in the pool exploded and a pulse was shot out, then Sub Zero, Scorpion and Jax all started to become normal again, leaving their former Revenant forms behind.

Aric smiled at this.

"Aric. Over here." Raiden said.

Aric turned and walked over to Johnny's side as Raiden started to heal him with his lightning power, then Aric formed emerald flames in his pslms and joined it with Raiden's power to quicken the healing.

"The others are restored to the living." Raiden started to explain. "By coupling Quan Chi's dark magic to my own, I was able to restore their souls."

"It worked like a charm." Aric said as they finished the healing

"Is he gonna make it?" Sonya asked as she came to Johnny's side.

"Haven't I told you? He's a god." Johnny said with a slight wince.

"You scared the shit out of me." she said.

"And they said I couldn't do horror movies." Johnny quipped.

Then a purple his lit up behind them, they turned and saw Quan Chi gone.

"He's gone? How did....?"

"We gotta go after him." Johnny said as e trued to get up.

"He can wait, Johnny." Aric said patting his shoulder.

"Right now we need to get you and the others back to Earthrealm." Sonya said.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about them." Aric said before unfreezing the frozen soldiers with his green flames.

"Aric. I'm sorry Kitana was not here, we could have saved her at this moment as well." Raiden said.

"You're right. But there's always next time." Aric said with a small smile.

Then Jax, Sub Zero and Scorpion started to stir awake.

"About time you woke up." Johnny said with a chuckle.

"Johnny?" Jax said with a groan as he rubbed his head.

"I'm free." Scorpion said as he looked down at his own hands.

"My thoughts are my own. More clear." Sub Zero said.

"You are all free of Quan Chi. It took effort to accomplish but I'm glad it worked." Raiden said.

"Thank you, Lord Raiden."

"Let's get the hell out of here." Aric said.

"You're starting to sound a lot like an Earthrealmer nowadays.". Johnny said with a chuckle.

"Well, I've been around you guys for awhile now. I guess it rubs off on you after a while." Aric said with a smirk.

Sonya laughed at this as she helped Johnny move.


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