Chapter 4

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After a few months of rehabilitating his shattered soul, Raiden introduced Aric to Johnny, Sonya and the rest of the Special Forces team. Aric knew little about the modern Earthrealm, he visited it a few times in the past but back then it was primitive and simpler.

At the moment, Aric was busy walking through the streets of China as people ran around in fear. Shinnok's demon army were flooding the city and attacking everyone, he helped a few people along the way before he noticed more demons cornering some people.

He conjured up emerald flames around his arms before blasting it between the demon and the civilians, the civilians looked up at him

"Zôu kāi!" he said in chinese.

The civilians quickly ran away at that command. The demons tried to follow them but Aric quickly dashed toward them and blasted one in the face with the flames before kicking another to the ground, he rolled out of the way of an aerial demon before blasting it out of the sky and then he ran up to it before kicking it across the jaw and slammed it to the ground.

"Aric, our chopper crashed. We're making out way toward the Sky Temple." Sonya's voice came through in the earpiece he was wearing.

"Understood. I'll be there momentarily." Aric said as more demons attacked him.

"So, Aric. Can I ask who else you met?" Johnny's voice came through next.

"Now is not the time, Johnny Cage!" Aric replied before dodging an attack from a demon to his right.

"Julius Caesar. Did you meet him?" Johnny asked anyway.

Aric sighed as he broke the neck of a demon he held in a hold.

"No. I did not. Although, I heard he was horrible."

"Nice." Johnny chuckled.

"Leave him alone, Johnny." Sonya interrupted.

"Thank you, Sonya." Aric said before rushing through the city.


Sonya, Johnny, Kenshi and their squad made their way through the woods before they his behind some brush, they scanned the area and saw the Revenant Jax and Smoke with a pack of demons.

Then they heard some rustling behind them, they quickly turned and it turned out to be Aric. They relaxed after that and he casually joined them.

"Sorry I'm late." he said.

"You're right on time actually." Sonya said.

Aric looked out at the two Revenants and sighed deeply, see them only reminded him of Kitana's fate.

"Jax.." Johnny said.

Sonya looked at Kenshi and he nodded, before they all got ready to attack. But before they could, a portal opened behind them and a Revenant NightWolf stepped out with a couple of demons.

"A Matokan?" Aric said in surprise.

"Nightwolf!" Kenshi said.

Then Nightwolf attacked them with the demons, Kenshi quickly engaged him. Smoke and Jax noticed the commotion and ran over, Smoke quickly engaged Johnny and knocked him to the ground.

"Smoke..." Johnny said.

"Smoke is dead. I'm Enenra." The Revenant said.

"Bye Enenra." Aric said as he blasted him back with emerald flames.

"Thanks." Johnny said as he got up.

Aric then noticed Jax beating Sonya down.

"Go help Sonya."

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