While Keith and Shiro had continued talking, Hunk and Pidge decided to mess around a little. They started drawing on Lance's healing pod with some whiteboard markers. "Pidge, look at him!" Hunk laughed with Pidge as he pointed to the frowny face drawn over Lance's.

After a few minutes Shiro and Keith came back into the room. "It's getting late... You guys should all go to bed." Shiro spoke, his voice was soft as he was clearly exhausted himself... but Keith. There was something seriously wrong and everyone seemed to notice, but not anyone said anything about his state. He just stood in front of Lance's pod. He wasn't talking or really moving all that much.

He just stayed like that...

The other paladins started going their separate ways. "Don't stay up too late, alright Keith?" Shiro spoke to Keith as he gave him a tight, reassuring hug. Shiro let go of the hug as he then also left to his room.

Keith sat down in front of Lance's pod. "Lance... what happened to you?" his voice was a shattered whisper as he was practically speaking to himself. He was gonna stay here until he knew that Lance was okay. He desperately needed to know that Lance is okay.

He kept staring at Lance's pod, he stayed sat in that position for a few hours, it was 3am by now.

Then the pod opened, Lance fell out of it as he was still unconscious. At least Keith caught him before he could hit the ground. "Lance!" Keith was happy and relieved as he sat on the floor with Lance in his arms. Lance was slowly coming back to his senses. "Keith?.." he mumbled. He had his arms wrapped around Keith in a weak hug.

"Lance... how are you feeling? Are you okay?" Keith spoke as the concern in his voice was very noticeable. Lance replied. "My body is still very weak, but I'm feeling much better. I think I probably just need to eat something... could we grab something to eat from the kitchen please..?" Keith nodded as he helped Lance to the Castle's kitchen.

"So what would you like me to make you?" Keith asked, helping Lance up onto a counter to sit. "I don't know... Surprise me Keith." Lance weakly smiled. "Should I bake you some cookies?" Lance nodded at that question with a bit of excitement.

"Okay then, you can go take a shower while I bake the cookies, it will make you feel all cozy and comfortable." Keith suggested. "Sounds good, but I'm more of a bath kind of guy when I feel sick.." Lance smiled at the other boy. "So... Keithhhhh, I bet you were super worried about me weren't you?" Lance said in a teasing tone with a soft giggle. "Yeah and?" Keith looked Lance in the eyes. "Now go take that bath, you reek of illness." Keith helped Lance off of the counter, "Okay jeez, I know-" Lance started walking off to his room, Keith followed close behind him to make sure Lance would be okay.

Keith drops Lance by his room, before he left he spoke again. "You sure you'll be alright on your own for now? If you need help please just ask me okay." Lance nodded. "Keith, buddy! I'll be fine, alright? Now go, I want to take that bath now." Keith nodded as he started walking away, slowly making his way back to the kitchen.

He entered the kitchen, rummaging through it to find a recipe book. He finally found one, he started flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for. "Easy sugar cookie recipe... only three ingredients... It sounds decent." he spoke softly to himself as he looked through the recipe to check what he needed for it, he seemed very concentrated.

Keith walked around the kitchen looking for the things he needed to prepare the dough "Okay so I need:
*1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
*2/3 cup +3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, divided
and lastly
*2 cups +1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour"
He started grabbing the needed ingredients and some measuring cups-and spoons. He also looked for a scale that works in grams and a mixing bowl. He finally got all the things he needed.

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