Problems Arise

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Sero and Denki were sleeping now in their shared room at the lab as they had been sleepy from the walk to the lab last night. Sero slept as he held onto Kaminari still worried about each other. The problem now was if they were going to be in trouble for what they had done at UA.

(Another room)
Vex was yelling at Black Dust as she had done something he hadn't wanted her to do. The two looked at each other. The two were standing as Volts was standing there online as he stared at the two.

Volts just watched the two yelling. He knew Sero and Denki were safe because it was just himself, Vex's and Black Dust. He was here because Black Dust giving him updates and upgrades to his systems as he wasn't human and never would be again.

Volts sat there as the two kept fighting, he so badly wanted to just power down so that he didn't have to listen to them yell, but his arm was being held by Black Dust as she was about to start doing the updates, but had been stopped by Vex's.

(Hour later)

Volts was finally being updated as his wrist was hooked up to a cord going into a computer beside him. Black Dust had left the room, so Volts was alone. He didn't mind as it was better for him to stay still cause all the new codes and things going into his body hurt and was very painful as well.

Volts sat there staring at the floor as he played with his feet slowly swinging them back and forth he was bored now, but also feeling dizzy because of everything happening in his mind. He was both dizzy because of being human, but also because himself and Denki got dizzy after a few hours of being a part of each other.

Volts let his hand fall a little as he got sleepy slowly. "I can't fall asleep, not now." He rubs at his hands as he looks at them. He can see them shaking as he looks up seeing the door open and a beep from the computer. 

Volts sat up quickly as he looked to Dust who had walked into the room. She sat down unhooking Volts from the computer. "That should feel better soon." She smiles as she closes the small port opened on Volts wrist. 

Volts can only watch as he was sleepy and needed to be recharged soon. Dust looked at Volts as she slowly got him standing walking him over to the large test tube like thing in the corner of the room opening the door letting him stand inside before closing the door. It was the fastest device to recharge the clones as she put in a timer as the tube turned on well Volts slowly fell back against the back wall falling asleep. 

Dust smiled watching Volts sleep, he was her favourite clone that she and Black Dust had made together. Dust stayed for a bit then left to check on the other clones as Black Dust was the one in charge of Volts at the moment.  

Volts was in space for the clones now as he charged. The space was only for the clones as they could make anything in the space as Volts saw his other friends. He was friends with everybody as there were about 18 other clones then himself. 

Volts slowly moved towards a younger girl with blonde hair in a ponytail. "Hey Brittany, how are you doing?" He sits down as a chair appears behind him. Brittany slowly turns looking at Volts. "I'm fine, but the updates are killing my brain power much more than the last ones." 

Volts nodded. "Same here Dust just put me into a charging base. I don't think I'm going to be up and moving for awhile now. I really lost power this time." Brittany slowly moved as she laid on the bed she had made for herself. "I wish we could just live here all the time, but we can't cause then Black Dust would mess with us all the time. I'm starting to think that the reason she became a clone herself."

Volts sighed. "I do agree with that." Brittany smiled. "Now all I wanna do is sleep Volts. So go make your own bed and rest like everybody else."

Volts listened as he went to his normal spot against the wall as he made a bed appear laying down. "I wish things would change...." He let himself relax as this was the only place all the clones would get real sleep as if still human. 

(Somewhere else in the lab)
Vex's sat staring at Dust as he was biting on the end of a pen he was holding. Dust tried to keep herself a bit farther away from Vex's as she knew he was mad. 

The two adults had heard of Sero's and Denki's little showing at UA because the two had used the quirks they were told not to use in class. Both were now going to be kept at the lab until father noticed as Vex had plans for both of them. 

Dust was worried as she watched Vex's smacking stuff off his desk. Vex growled as he finally spoke again in a low voice. "We must make sure this doesn't happen again." Dust nods. "Yes I agree Vex, but Sero's our son. We can't hurt him, we already left him hurt too much." Vex's growled looking at Dust. "Dust shut the fuck up as I don't give a shit anymore. We sent them there to spy and not get friendly with everyone there yet that seems to be what happened." 

Dust nods slowly not wanting to make her husband even more mad. "Please think this though as if you really are going to pass everything down to Sero. He needs to be alive and want it. You have to stop forcing it." Vex's looked at Dust as he calmed down a bit grabbing her hands. "That's why I am doing something different to make sure he stays on track this time."

Dust looks at Vex's. "Okay as long as you don't kill our son." Vex's nodded. "I won't be hurting him, he'll hurt himself if he doesn't work with me." He smirks. "That kid of ours are sure to behave soon enough Dust and I'm going to be the one to make him behave." 

Dust got worried, but couldn't move away because of Vex's holding her hands. Vex's slowly moved kissing his wife on the lips as the two shared a kiss. Vex's wrapped his arms around Dust as he held her close. 

The two ended up making out for a good 20 minutes before stopping as Vex's had work to do and so did Dust. The two left Vex's office going towards different rooms in the lab. 

The two both went either towards the lab rooms where test subjects were or in Vex's case straight towards his sons room. Vex's looked at the door and the few guards he had brought with him. 

He planned to lock Sero in a room alone for a few days without anything, no bed, no food, friends just himself. Vex's knew if Sero didn't make it or got sick because of this at least then his son would know that he needed to behave and stay out of trouble from now on. 

Vex's put in an override code on the scanner as he sent the gaurds into the room. Sero and Denki were sitting on the couch in the room together as Sero was grabbed. Denki watched as he was grabbed as well being held back by one of the other guards.

The two were now split up as a guard injected something into Denki's arm as he passed out after a few moments. Sero teared up trying to get away from the two guards that were holding him back as he felt an injection going into his neck.

Sero looked at his father as he became light headed slowly and the last thing he saw was his father barking orders at the guards with him. Denki and Sero were moved to an area of the lab where there were cells with nothing in them made of that pillow stuff along the walls and floor.

Sero was thrown into a room first as he was tied up in a jacket that was locked together with chains and locks. Denki wasn't tied up, but was chained to the wall in another cell as his arms were the only thing holding his sleeping body up.

Sero was still passed out as he curled up into a ball unaware where he had been taken in the lab. All his mind knew was that he was in trouble.

Denki soon woke up as his vision was buried and he could feel the pain in his arms as he tried to move, but couldn't as he was hanging there against a wall chained up. He slowly started tearing up sobbing. 

Sero coughed as he woke up looking at the pillow-like walls around him as small sobs slowly escaped and he didn't let it stop as he laid there on the floor unable to move. 

Denki in the other room could hear Sero as he spit the gag that was in his mouth out. He started breathing heavily as he needed to try and breathe through his tears and sobs. "Sero! Sero! Sero!" He started yelling through broken breath. 

Sero could hear Denki, but didn't answer back to weak as his body felt as it was on fire as his father had also drugged him on the walk to these cells as he felt everything they had ever done to him as it was a rush of pain. Everything was spinning as he felt like nothing was going right. 

Sero started coughing more as he felt blood coming up his throat as he was about to vomit blood from all the pain in his stomach that had just started to form. 

Denki stopped yelling as he became sleepy again because of being drugged and the pain bein caused by the chains. He looked at the wall knowing that there were only so many of these cells and he had been trapped like this before, but he had Volts to talk to and joke with, now he was alone and had no idea if Sero was okay or not on the other side of the wall. 

Sero laid there and curled up crying as he tried to breathe as he coughed up even more blood onto the floor as the white became a dark red. "God save my soul...." He said before passing out. 

Denki was looking around the room as he saw that the door had been opened Dust standing there as she looked him in the eyes. Kaminari had no energy left to fight, so he stayed quiet not moving. 

Denki looked at the older woman before she did something he wasn't really expecting from her. She undid the chains freeing him from the wall. He let his body fall into her arms as she slowly keeled down onto the ground holding him close. "You never ever deserved this."Denki could only look at Dust before he felt too weak and passed out all over again.

The next time Kaminari woke up he was in a bed next to Dust as she held him close. Kaminari just stared at the woman's arm around him as he felt safe for once with somebody other than Sero. He knew that Dust was on his and Sero's side of the war between Vex's and Sero. 




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