"Veer?" Preet whispered looking at their entwining fingers.

"Hmm, I am listening," he said looking into her shy eyes as they were sitting leaning against the headboard, on the bed completely bare with only a thin blanket covering their bodies. He is hugging her to his chest while they have their legs tangled together.

"I was thinking of opening an online food delivery service," she said looking at him. She is not confident about the idea but she knows now she can't do anything except cooking when it comes to jobs.

Cooking is her passion. She loves making food. Other things are not her cup of tea, she came to know this in these two months of job hunting.

"The idea was great I think," Veer said, nodding his head. She smiles seeing his confidence.

"You think so," she asked, to which he smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"I know so, love. I don't know if you know this but you have magic in your fingers," he said as he kissed her palms making her smile widely.

"I am with you,..just go for it," she tears up seeing the confidence and trust he has in her.

Feeling overwhelmed with so much happiness and love for this man, Preet slammed her lips on his and kissed him hard and deeply. Her heart filled with love for him. She wanted to pull her heart out from her chest and show him how much she loves him, adores him and admires him.

Veer stroked her naked back and waist gently calming her overwhelming emotions and kissed her back while smiling against her lips.

Preet was playing with a month-old Atharva, Aarav and Avni's son. She is babysitting him as his parents go on a date leaving the poor boy. But he is enjoying his Badi Ma's company.

Preet smiled when he slept in her arms after tiring himself. She places him carefully on the bed and covers him with his fluffy white blank. She was busy staring at his cute features when Veer entered the room. He didn't see the sleeping baby and said loudly while coming inside,
"Preet! I was ringing the bell like crazy for 15 minutes thank god I have ke-"

"Shh…" Preet turned with a panicked expression and shushed him looking at him with wide eyes. Veer looked at her with a 'what' look.

She points to the tiny figure sleeping in the middle of their bed. He looked at him and his eyes softened instantly and an affectionate smile formed on his face.

He slowly walked toward the bed and beside him. He turns his eyes and looks at Preet with a questioning gaze.

"Aarav and Avni go on a date so they ask me to look after him till evening," he nodded and kissed his soft round cheek.

"He looks so much like Aarav," Preet softly said standing behind him as they stared at him lovingly.

Veer smiled and nodded, caressing his chin with his thumb.

"But I want our baby to have your features," he said in a daze before his body went still thinking about what he said.

Preet felt him going stiff and placed her palm on his shoulder.

"But I want our children to look like their father," she said with a happy smile, making him snap his head at her before his lips curved and his beautiful eyes turned glassy.

"The hell with Sumitra and her contract!" she said and winked at him, earning a chuckle from him but instantly a slap landed on his shoulder as baby Atharva moved in his sleep letting out a whimper in his sleep.

"You will wake him up, Veer!" Preet scolded him in a whisper making Veer roll his eyes.

"I am missing my cutie pie!" Preet pout getting into the bed beside him. He shook his head at her as she was repeating this for the nth time since Atharva left with Aarav and Avni.

She hugs him from the side and sighs. He chuckled lightly and kissed her head twice making him smile cutely as cuddled more into him. Veer again started typing on the laptop while she looked at the screen watching him working.

Suddenly Veer remembered something and looked at her. He placed the laptop aside and sat straight, making Preet frown as she also sat straight looking at him, turned to his right and took out something from the nightstand drawer.

She furrows his eyes, seeing a big flat rectangular gift box in his hand. Veer turned to face her and placed that box in her lap. He smiles at her softly.

"For you…open," he said.

Raising her eyebrow at him, she felt the soft paper covering the mystery box.

"It's not my birthday, not anything special," she said in confusion looking at him then the gift box.

Veer roll his eyes at her and said,
"Just open it, love,"

Preet nodded and tears the paper. Her eyes frowned before they went wide as she took out a MacBook from the box.

"This…" she whispered, brushing her fingers lightly on the lid of the laptop before she looked at him as her eyes are questioning him.

"What? My wife is going to start her online business. So a small gift for my side to her," her eyes turn teary as she looks at him getting emotional.

"I transferred 6 lakhs in your new bank account. You can begin your business now. You need more money than just let me," he said, wiping her tears, only more tears to flow down from her tears.

"How do you get this much money, Veer?" She asked the question, which was eating her, after a few minutes when she calmed down a bit.

He look at her and said smiling at her,
"I have my source, love. You don't have to worry about that. Just focus on your business and leave the rest on this husband of yours," he tried to dodge the questions her eyes were throwing at him.

"Veer!" she glared at him knowing his intention,
"Just tell me the truth,"

He sighed deeply and said,
"I took a loan of 8 lakh from my boss. He is kind enough to lend me money without any collateral. Don't worry I will return his money within a year or two with my salary. You don't have to worry, Preet," he cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes with love.

"You don't have to Veer. I would have managed somehow with the things we have," she said in a hoarse voice.

"I don't want you to compromise just because we are sort of finance. I want the best for my wife. Just make me proud and I have full faith in you, Jaan," Preet closed her eyes as he placed his lips on her forehead.

"I love you, Veer," she said while crying silently in his embrace.

"I too love you, My heart," he softly said, kissing her cheeks.


Thank you so much for reading.

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Till then
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Bye bye

Lots of love❤️❤️

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