As they went in, Hanam rushed to them.

"Master, she is waiting for you", Hanam said.

"When did she wake up?", Yoongi asked.

"Half an hour ago", Hanam said.

"You guys go and shower. I'll look after her", Jin rushed upstairs as he was the only one without blood stains.

He quickly changed his clothes into sweat pants.

He went in her room, and saw her snuggled up against the blankets, her doe eyes watching Tom and Jerry, with a mug of a drink in her hands.

He closed the door and went towards her.

When her eyes caught him, she smiled as her bunny teeth came into display.

"What's my princess drinking?", He asked sitting beside her and ruffling her hair.

"Hot chocolate", she said forwarding the drink towards him.

He took a sip and nodded his head.

"Couldn't sleep?", He asked tucking her hair.

"Mhmm", she said as she leaned against his chest.

He caressed her arm as he let her drink.

It was middle of the night, but with everything happening today, he could understand her.

They were watching Tv peacefully, until someone barged into the room.

"Hello baby!", Jungkook jumped on her bed directly making her groan.

"Oppa! My leg", she pulled up her legs.

"Sorry", he apologized.

She smiled and said, "it's okay, oppa".

Others came in one by one.

They sat around the room, giving her space and time.

"You done?", Jin asked taking the mug from her.

She nodded her head.

He wiped her mouth with a tissue and gave her water.

"Nightmare?", Namjoon questioned.

"I don't know what exactly it is...but I think I was slipping between reality and dreams. I felt awake but at the same time asleep. The visions were like someone calling me, texting me. I saw some scary images too. Like a gruesome face. I was just scared, oppa", she hugged her legs to her chest.

"I'm sorry, princess. We were not here for you", Jin apologized.

"It's okay, oppa. I understand", she said as it was not new for her.

But what's new was all of them went to work today.

Usually, atleast one of them would stay with her.

"I'm sorry oppa. You need to take care of me and work. I wish I could be strong enough", She expressed her thoughts.

She felt her legs being pulled.

She screamed as Jungkook pulled her off the covers.

He lifted her in the air and said, "Say that again! I'll drop you in the ocean".

He threatened her.

"O-oppa", she held him tightly.

That's when he realised that she has a fear of water.

It's reduced to a great extent but some part of it was still there.

"Shi- Then I'll drop you in the volcano", he threatened again making her giggle a little.

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