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On the other hand as soon as jhope left aera's room he made his way to large meeting room where BTS , their father as well as grandfather were sitting .

" Are you sure we have to do this " as soon as he walked in , he heard jin questioning.

" What are you guys talking about ? " Jhope said as he sat next to Suga .

" About aera " jungkook said as he coldly stared at namjoon.

" You all are still on about this " jhope said as he sighed .

He then continued.

" I think aera maybe be innocent and we all are just making a big deal about it " while remembering the interaction he had with aera just now , her tear stained face but still a smile present on her face.

She looked so strong but only God knew what was going in her head.

" See that's what I am telling them all about " Jin and jungkook said at same time.

" no she's not , dont you see everything happening around us lately , we found moles in our mafia , and not just in organisation but in inner Circle too . Since the day she is with us , everything around us is crushing down " taehyung snapped out.

" He is right , namjoon hyung ,dad , grandfather I think we should torture her and kill her as soon as possible , I am pretty sure she is giving all the information to enemies while staying here. She is a bad news , bad omen to us , to our family , to our bloodline " jimin said anger lacing in his tone.

" No one is doing such thing yet , so snap out of your delusion and calm down . You know it well that anger will bring nothing but distructuon " grandfather said in commanding tone.

" I want to ask you this thing , why do you hate her so much , she didn't do anything to you !! Infact she don't even know who we all are , she doesn't live in Korea and is just a tourist , have you seen how casually she chats whith us , whole Korea is afraid to even look at us . " Jin said .

" That's the main thing hyung , she chats with y'all so casually that it feels like she knows all things about us , like she studied us for years. We can't find anything about her from database , doesn't this feel too much coincidence to you " jimin said.

Silence engulfed in meeting room only breathing of people sitting in room coud be heard

" What are your opinions about this matter Suga ?you have been sitting quite . did you find anything regarding her ? " mr Kim shin asked .

This caused Suga who was lost in thoughts look up at his father .

Suga lazily leaned back into the chair and mentally smirked thinking about aera and answered






So what do you think he found out about aera , why was he smirking ?

Dark bloodline ( BTS ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora