Old Gods-Lust and Power

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Now on this day, that power will be tested. An outsider god seeks to destroy all that I have forged.









Brothers, put aside the petty grievances that have separated us for so long.








We will unite, we will stand together, and I will wipe out this plague! Olympus will prevail!!


Dav-Vel: So...How does this spell of yours work?

Constantine: Demons are powerful even in parts.

Dav-Vel: Excuse me?

Constantine: Every demon is different and every part of their body can have certain effects, effects that can be used in potions, spells and even aphrodiac, for example demon blood is a good lighter to make this portal or eye whatever you want to call it.

Dav-Vel: What did you do to them?

Constantine: To those demons? well I gambled or sold my soul a few times with some of them and well they were not happy.

Dav-Vel: Well that sounds like a plan. Let's do it.

Constantine: Whoa, whoa hold your horses mate. This will take time I have to get the attention of all these bastards somehow.

Dav-Vel: I need a specific time, Constantine this is personal.

Constantine: And I don't doubt it. Give me at least 2 bloody days and I'll have all the bastards rounded up. They won't know what hit them.

Dav-Vel: Look Just...don't take too long. You are making me a huge favor here. If you ever need help don't doubt in calling me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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