Chapter 5

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With Naruto and Shizune)

During the same time while Tsunade dealt with the meeting Shizune true enough took Naruto to his favorite ramen stand.

"So how are you doing Naruto-kun." Asked Ayame the ramen waitress while her father was in the back cooking ramen.

"I'm doing great! Ayame-Chan! You won't believe what's happening with me! I'm going to be trained by Tsunade Senju! The new Hokage!" Naruto would answer as Ayame looked surprised that he going to be the Hokage's student.

"Oh? What happened with your old team?" Ayame asked out of curiosity and before Shizune or Naruto could answer that Tsunade arrived.

"Team 7 is disbanded." She says shocking Naruto and Ayame. Shizune had already known this.

"Disbanded what do you mean?" Naruto asked since this was the first time he'd heard of this.

"To put it blunt. Both of them are regular civilians now. I terminated their shinobi registration and license. Not Kakashi though. He's been demoted to Chunin. Come to the Senju estate and I will tell you more." Tsunade would say as Naruto and Shizune picked up their ramen in To go style and walked off with Tsunade to the Senju Estate.

( Senju Estate)

Now at the Senju estate with Tsunade explaining to Naruto about why Team 7 was disbanded for 5 minutes.

"I see... guess that explains why they are disbanded." Naruto muttered.

"Yes. They were wrong to you. And Kakashi has been very negligent in your training. I can never understand why Kakashi never did his job especially when he should have known you was his sensei's son." Tsunade would sit sipping on some tea sitting on a chair facing Naruto who looked bewildered

"What? Kakashi-sensei knew my father? And was his student!?" Naruto questioned seeing Tsunade nod.

"Yes. I'd like to believe Sarutobi Sensei also told Kakashi to be silent about your heritage..." She answered

"I don't understand? If he knew I was the son of the Yondaime... Why didn't he- you know train me more!? Instead of teaching Sasuke this and that!?" Naruto demanded Angry with his former sensei.

"He was probably following orders from Sarutobi at the time.. Or probably the council who are no longer in control." Tsunade would say with a frown.

"Which is why Naruto today. I'm going to train you and teach you. Come outside." Tsunade would say now getting up with him following her.

As they were outside the Senju estate in the back which has a private forest and training area Naruto looked on in awe. As he glanced up at Tsunade.

"Ready for your training Naruto?" Tsunade asks looking at the boy with a determined look.

"Ah yeah! I'm ready for this!" He says with a determined grin while she cracked a smile as well.

"For the first lesson. I will be teaching you more chakra control and to learn how to use chakra enhanced strength like me. But know this. That's not the only thing I will be teaching you. I will be teaching you what both my grandfather and granduncle taught me. The same with Mito Uzumaki. " She would say with him paying attention and so on she would begin his training for the day.

( Later on)

It was now 7 in the evening. As both Naruto and Tsunade trained for three hours. He was doing fairly in his training with her. Now it was time for dinner.

"Go fresh up and eat dinner. First thing in the morning I'm going to have you do more chakra exercises. Understand?" Tsunade would say with him nodding.

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