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Taehyung comes towards jimin with a big smile, he was so excited that he grabs jimin's hand and spin him around..

"jojo-jojo I saw him- I saw him after 8 months can you believe after 8 fucking months".

Jimin got confused why taehyung acting strange but he's happy that taehyung is happy, with a excited heart he ask "tell me who did you see"

Taehyung was so excited that he didn't listen any words of jimin and start blabbering about bogum.. Jimin got irritate and grab taehyung's shoulder and asked again "who did you saw tae"

With a blush taehyung said "Bogumie Hyung " Jimin got shocked and said with a loud voice

"Whattttt-where-how- when I mean where no I mean when ok stop"

After calming himself.

jimin asked with a calm voice " Where did you see him"

Jimin saw taehyung is blushing so hard with a shy smile taehyung said " He's our senior from business department I met him outside the cafeteria we talked about lots of things too "

Jimin is happy that his friend is happy if taehyung say someday he want to date Bogum he wouldn't have any problem because he knows taehyung has a long fat ass crush on Bogum..

But what can we do fate has another plan for his soulmate and poor jimin didn't know that Bogum is already committed..

Jisoo who was talking to her boyfriend on call also join them and ask "what happened why you both look so excited"

Jimin grabbed her hand and start telling her what happened earlier taehyung start to bite his lips with a blush and strides towards his class ...


Jungkook is boxing in his gym sweats are dripping from his body... He started to punch and kick the punching bag with aggression.

He's disturbed about something and the reason is the beautiful guy from his university who's running in his mind from the moment jungkook eyes fell on him.

(Pic credit to the respected owner)

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(Pic credit to the respected owner)

Jungkook became tired with a last kick he fell on the ground ,he close his eyes, breathing heavily with a chuckle he remember university incident..
Bogum grab taehyung's hand and starts going towards volleyball ground..He leaves taehyung's hand and said "let's take a seat First " both sit on the seat silently...

Silence took over the air again

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Silence took over the air again .. Taehyung think before the situation becomes more awkward , let's start a conversation he slightly cough and said " Who was he " He asked because he wanted to know who was that guy who bullied him earlier..

Bogum got confused and ask "who"

"The guy who yelled at you in the cafeteria the one with piercing lips who wore all black from top to bottom " Taehyung didn't know why he noticed all these things..

Bogum smile slightly and said "he's my brother I told you before "

After hearing this taehyung doesn't look pleased and mumble to himself "oh god why you make that psycho bogum's brother... I won't be able to hate him properly now "..

Bogum waves his hand in front of taehyung's face and asked Worridly" Are you ok"

" Oh yes you told me about him"

With a smile bogum asked "how are you"

"I'm good and you"

"After seeing you I'm perfectly fine " With that both chuckle

Taehyung ask with a dull face " How is jihyo"

Bogum replied " We are on a break we need some space for our relationship now"

Taehyung became so happy after what bogum said with a happy face he ask " Oh god why" Bogum smile at taehyung excitement..

Bogum speak jokingly " I thought you would ask about me but all you are talking is about her" With sad expression..

Bogum tried to look offended but he can't control his laugh after seeing taehyung's expression he burst with laughter..

taehyung make a pout and hit bogum shoulder after that they talked about a lot of things with laugh and joy they became comfortable again with each other like earlier days but...

They didn't know that someone is watching them with raging heart ... After witnessing all these jungkook left from there with gloomy face..


Jungkook opens his eyes when he hears his phone ringing and sees his brother is calling he pick up the call..

"Where are you now"

"At home"

"Why didn't you attend your two lectures, Namjoon said you were not in a good mood"

"I don't know"

"Then what did you know"

"I don't know"

Both become silent..



"What would you do if you came to know that the one you love is, in love with someone else " Bogum become silent for a minute

"Don't ask me these types of question I don't know how to answer it "

After a long silence jungkook place his hand on his eye to cover it and say with a smile

"Bro I'm in love"


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