Chapter 1: The Victory Banquet

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I absolutely despise banquets. I especially dislike the ones celebrating victory after a battle. Despite my distaste towards the celebrations, I sat perfectly still amongst a trove of bumbling, loud-mouthed drunks. My father sat at the head of the table, his drunken gaze fixated on his allies around the hall. "My friends," my father called his words remarkably steady considering the amount of liquor he had consumed. "Today, we celebrate a most monumental victory in the war against those Fraujarn bastards!"

As the drunken ensemble cheered, I sighed. The last banquet had begun with the same words, and the next day, the Vorenian military had been beaten back to where they had started. The cycle seemed to repeat itself over and over, yet my father never seemed to catch on. I wanted to shout, "We should end this conflict! If we don't, we will only lose more men and resources! We must make peace!" Unfortunately, the men and women surrounding the table would only laugh, embarrassing not only me but Vorenia in front of our allies.

I kept my mouth shut, my thoughts festering in my head as my father swallowed his wine in three gulps. "When my father declared war on that blasted wasteland, he envisioned a great expansion of Vorenia. When I came of age, my father told me something that I will never forget. He said, 'Son, one day you will inherit this mighty empire and this conflict. If I do not see this war to its end, make sure that you see it.' My father's words echo through the halls of my palace, and they will continue through my children. My daughter, Orelia, and my son, Jasper."

He motioned for us to stand, my older brother immediately leaping up. I slowly stood, smoothing my skirts as the crowd clapped. I scanned the crowd from my vantage point, noticing some individuals hidden within the crowd. On the opposite side of the table, three seats down from where I stood, a man sat, his whole face hidden by a mask of black and gold. Though I couldn't see his face, I could feel his eyes watching me. His body was covered by a large black cape, a black poet shirt dipping low enough to reveal his cool olive skin. I watched him for a moment before returning to my seat, my father's booming voice becoming muffled in my ears as I looked into the cavernous mask eyes.

I felt a tug on my sleeve, drawing my eyes from the man to my mother, who sat with a stifling impatience. She blinked at me once then twice. I sighed, understanding all too well what she was saying.




After the meal, a dance finished off the night. A string quartet played on a small elevated stage on the back wall, playing waltzes, foxtrots, and traditional songs as the people twirled around. I sat yet again in silence next to my mother, who kept a close watch on me. After feeling her eyes prodding me multiple times over, I turned to face her. "You wanted to speak with me?" I said sharply, smiling passively at her.

My mother smiled politely at me, her eyes holding sternness in response to my passivity. "I saw you staring at that gentleman, Orelia."

"Mother, don't think too much of it. I simply looked at him."

"Darling, he is an ambassador for Kareveth."

"I know. What of it?"

"Kareveth has long been a loyal ally of Vorenia. There have been many marriages between Karevethen and Vorenian nobles."


"I am only looking out for you, my daughter."

"Your Highnesses," a deep voice cut in, nearly startling the both of us.

I turned to look at the source of the voice, my stomach dropping as I saw the familiar black and gold mask. My mother smiled gently at the man, tilting her head in my direction as if to tell me to do the same. I smiled as gently as I could at the man, which may or may not have resulted in the most forced expression I ever produced. "How do you do, my lord?" I spat out politely.

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