"All right, bring it on!" The man yelled with an enthusiastic expression,

However, the Subterranean King's minions have all fled and left a white flag with a written message on it. This causes the man to lose his enthusiasm even though he is tempted to fight them at first.

As for Mew, it just giggled at the Subterraneans' folly but its giggle didn't go unnoticed when the man jumped right back into his balcony. The two soon made eye contact and the man didn't know what to make of it.

When he tilted his head to the left, so did Mew, when he tilted his head to the right, the same results applied. As soon as he straightened his head, three words came out of the man's mouth, "A Weird Flying Cat?"

"Mew?" Mew sounded as it tilted its head to the right,

Since Saitama hasn't shown any hostility towards it, Mew descends until it is within the man's eye level and continues their constant staring. Moments later, the man recalled something of note last night.

'That looks a lot like that cat I saw in the news... It doesn't seem to be here to fight me or anything, Hmmm...' The Occupant inquired, and cupped his chin in thought,

All the while, Mew slowly circles around the man and seemingly waits for him to say something.

Moments later, the man finally said something to him, "Do you want to eat?"

"Mew?" Mew mouthed, and the man looked rather confused by its reply,

However, Mew would follow the man as he went back into his room. The man glances at Mew for a moment, then wonders about what it eats since he doesn't know what aliens eat on Earth.

The only food that came to mind was something he saw on the kitchen counter.

"Do you want a banana?" the man inquired as he presented the banana to Mew,

Mew moves rather close to the banana, then it uses its psychic powers to take the banana off of the man's hands. Mew then peels said banana with its psychic powers, then eats it all before handing the banana peel back.

The man wouldn't question it, instead, he disposed of the banana peel in the trash and began with simple questions.

"So... What are you supposed to be?" The man inquired,

"Mew," Mew replied,

"Mew? Is that it?" The man replied, "You aren't some alien species or something,"

"Mew!" Mew replied as well as nodded to his question, "Mew, Memew, Mew,"

"Uh... I'm afraid I can't understand you. Can you be a bit more specific? Or maybe use words if possible," The man requested,

Mew wonders to itself, and then it decides to use its psychic powers to project what appears to be an earth that's vastly different than the one it's currently in. The man expresses awe and realizes that the Earth before him isn't like his Earth.

Upon closer look, the man was introduced to various creatures that he considered as a bunch of monsters. However, Mew would also show said creatures accompanying humans like their fellow friends or family with them.

Basically, the people are at peace with such creatures while the man in this world has only known monsters that are bent on destruction and loss of human life. Once the projection fades, Mew swirls around and continues with the following sentence, "Mew, Mew! MeMeMew Mew Mew, MeMew,"

"I still don't know what you're saying, but I think I know where you're getting at," The man remarked, "So how did you end up here in the first place?"

Mew projects a dimensional rip, as well as its attempt to seal, said rip. After the projection pops, it is replaced with the Earth's Moon.

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