Horrific Self Analysis (.5)

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"I think..." Sunny picked them up and held them closer to her face. They were forget-me-nots. What could this person have been doing to end up with flowers clutched in her hands? "I just don't get it."

Wolf didn't seem to have any answers either. He just sighed and turned to Snow again.

"Did Doctor Swineheart ever get back to you about Faith, Snow?" Wolf asked.

"No. He said he wanted to run more tests." Snow said in disappointment.

Sunny started pacing and forth while Wolf continued on. He reached the woman's legs and turned to Sunny before rolling up her pants.

"Do you mind?" Wolf asked.

"Ah, nah, go ahead," Sunny told him as she crossed her arms anxiously.

Sunny looked as Wolf did so. Noticing there were a couple of doodles drawn on the pants. Silly things Liena had drawn while trying to entertain herself. It kept making her wonder if it was part of the glamour or if someone somehow got a hold of her clothes.

"Rope marks."

"She was tied up?" Bulfkin asked

"They tied cinderblocks to her ankles...so she would sink," Wolf explained to him. Making him let out a noise of scared understanding.

"And track marks," Wolf added.

"So she used drugs?" Sunny asked.

"Looks that way. Pretty heavily too. I hear they only go for the legs if they've used up the veins in their arms...or if they're trying to hide the marks. Anyway, it means it's not a perfect match to your leg. Unless..."

"Unless?" Sunny raised an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe she was trying to compensate with that perfume," Wolf said with a shrug.

"I guess that could explain it," Sunny pulled her hair back again.

"Wait. If the glamour is supposed to make her look like Sunny, shouldn't it be concealing things like track marks?" Snow pointed out. "That brooch too. Why would it change everything else? I've never seen one this sloppy."

"It might be a cheap one...just to get the job done," Sunny responded.

"The witches upstairs know what they're doing; that's why they cost so much," Snow said

"Unless someone outside of the business office is making glamours?" Sunny said. Making Snow's frown deepen. "Bit sketchy, but it's not illegal."

Bulfkin agreed with a smile. "It's not encouraged, for sure, but there aren't any laws specifically forbidding it."

"So there's some sort of black market for glamours?" Wolf shook his head.

"One would assume so," Bulfkin answered. "I imagine anyone with the proper books and training could theoretically produce a glamour."

"Yet another thing to worry about," Snow muttered in frustration. "Black market or not, it's a pretty good match."

"I wonder," Sunny stepped forward and looked to Wolf. "I'm gonna check her pockets."

She started doing so while Wolf gave her a cautionary glance. "You still okay?"

The deputy didn't look up. "I'm fi-"

"Sorry, that, uh, took longer than expected," Crane said as he approached the group. "What have you found out?"

"She was using Mundy drugs. Pretty heavily, too, judging by the track marks on her legs," Wolf went over what they found. "That and her glamour is defec-"

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