Chapter Eight

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Clarissa's POV

I gritted my teeth as we flew over to where my cousin was, "You can't be serious." Ian looked over my shoulder, "This isn't good." I snarled, "He's going to pay for this." We flew back to civilization and I sat there in a fury at what my cousin had done.

We landed and got off the helicopter, I looked at Ian and Kelly, "I have to take care of something, don't come it might not be pretty." I walked to InGen's headquarters and stood there, leaning up against a pillar at the pier as my cousin spoke, "Ten years ago, John Hammond, our Dearest Clarissa's father, had a dream. Like John himself, the dream was grand. It was outsized. It was bold. It was impractical. It was not to be. But half an hour from now, John Hammond's dream, re-imagined by our Heiress, Clarissa Adeline Hammond, will come true. For .01 of the cost of building a resort destination a thousand miles away, my cousin has put me in charge of making this dream become a reality-"

I heard Ian arguing with the security guard and I walked forward in the crowd, everyone started clapping as I stood beside my cousin, smiling and waving at people. My cousin grew nervous, "Tonight we will christen Jurassic Park, San Diego, with a mega-attraction that will drive turnstile numbers to rival any theme park in the world." 

I smiled and spoke, "My cousin, like my father, has a dream. A dream that will not be happening!" Everyone muttered and I looked at the board members, "My cousin, Peter Ludlow, has used my name to get what he desires and he wasn't afraid to hurt anyone to get it. My father's dream was foolish and for my cousin to want to re-imagine that is also a fool. I, as InGen's Heiress will be shutting down this project that I never approved. My father's dream will never become a reality!" 

A man came forward, "Mr. Ludlow, the ship is here." My cousin raised an eyebrow, "It's early?" I grinned and looked at everyone, "You see? This dream of my cousin's has already killed people. You called my husband, Dr. Malcolm, crazy. The crazy one is my father and my cousin. Everything was and still is true. I guarantee you that once that ship stops, that creature called a Tyrannosaurus Rex will be standing at the helm, waiting to make it to land, excited to claim his new territory." 

Everyone looked out into the sea and I looked at Ian, who walked forward with Sarah. I nodded at him and continued speaking, "My father was a visionary and this was a great idea at first, but when you bring back a species who have no idea what century they are in, all they see is unlimited food! I, Clarissa Hammond, will be shutting down any future genetic projects that InGen wishes to create. Thank you and good night!" I ran off the stage and tugged Ian and Sarah along as the ship came in a full speed. 

We made it off the dock and looked at the stopped ship. We all ran onto the ship (I just wanted to so I could prove my point) and everyone looked around in confusion as everything was destroyed. I stood with Sarah and Ian as everyone else looked around for survivors. I looked behind me to see the cargo hold trying to close and my cousin yelled, "Check the cargo hold! There may be crew down there!" Ian yelled out, "Everyone off the boat!" 

The three of us went to run off but a security guard grabbed the remote and pushed it, causing the T-Rex to break free. Everyone started running as soon as the Rex made it out. I snarled and walked over to my cousin, who was looking at the free T-Rex walking the streets. Ian leaned into my cousin's ear, "Now you're John Hammond." 

I watched as the Rex roared over the ocean to the city, happy with it's new territory. I snarled at my cousin, "Why the hell wasn't it tranquilized?" A soldier nodded, "It was, Roland tranqed it with two darts of Carfentanil. It was over ten milligrams." Sarah growled, "Ten milligrams should have put it into a coma." The soldier nodded, "It stopped breathing so we gave it naltrexone to counteract the effect, but we didn't know how much to give it."

Sarah yelled, "You administered an antagonist without knowing the proper dosage?! You put the animal in a narcoleptic state. The thing's a locomotive now." The soldier held up his hands, "We're prepared here." I yelled at him, "You're not prepared at all. You're fired! You're all fucking fired! Are there any more dinosaurs on the fucking boat?" The soldier flinched at my words, "No, we had to bring the infant back on the plane. We had this to tranquilize it." 

I walked over to my cousin who sat on top of a pile of debris, "Where is the infant?" My cousin was spaced out, "It's safe." I groaned and grabbed Sarah's arm, "Sarah, the animal's dehydrated. First, it'll go to a water source and then it will look for the next thing it's body needs. Which is?" Sarah whispered, "Food." Ian nodded, "All the containment equipment is here, we just need to get it back to the dock. The boat might still be seaworthy." 

Sarah looked at me, "When we brought the baby to the trailer it came, there isn't a reason it shouldn't do it here." I walked over to my cousin and grabbed his jaw, "Where's the infant, Peter?" My cousin glared at me, "It's in a secured facility. Why?" Ian glared at my cousin, "Where's the facility?"


I grabbed a phone in one of the offices and called the orphanage, "Hello, this is Clarissa Hammond. Yes, I know it's the middle of the night. I would like a meeting with Owen Grady. My husband and I wish to adopt him. He's been waiting on my call? Great, I'll see you at noon tomorrow." I hung up and Ian smirked at me, "Was that important?" I nodded, "Very. Next, we will get pregnant." Sarah looked between us, "I can't believe you two are having this conversation." 

Ian smirked, "Let's get the Rex home so I can be with my family." 

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