Chapter Two

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I grumbled under my breath as I paced back and forth in the warehouse office as Ian was downstairs talking with Eddie and Nick. I smiled as Kelly came running upstairs with a smile, "Clary!" I giggled as I hugged her, "My sweet Kelly! I'm so happy you're here. Your dad treating you well?" Ian cleared his throat and I sighed, "I haven't seen Kelly in weeks, let me have this one." Ian smiled and shook his head, handing Kelly a paper.

Kelly groaned, "I don't even know this woman." Ian looked confused, "What are you talking about? It's Karen, you've known her for ten years." Kelly looked at him, "She doesn't even have Sega. She's such a troglodyte." I looked at Ian impressed, "Cruel, but good word use." Kelly smiled at me and then stood, walking away, "Why can't I stay with Sarah?" Ian looked at me as we followed her, "Because Sarah's out of town. Karen's fantastic. She'll take you horseback riding, to the movies. You'll have a fantastic time." 

Kelly groaned, "Stop saying fantastic. Where are you two going, anyway?" I sighed, "It's only for a few days. We wouldn't be going if it wasn't really important. My father's company has now been placed in my hands so I have to take care of some things." Kelly giggled as she spun around, "You mean the father you called crazy?" I avoided Ian's smirk and nodded, "Exact one." 

Kelly looked at Ian, "I'm your daughter all the time you know. You can't just abandon me whenever the new wife knocks." I looked at the ground with tears in my eyes. I thought that everything was fine with Kelly and me, I guess not." Ian frowned at her, "If anything, Clare tells me to spend more time with you. Did your mom tell you to say that? Apologize to her." I shook my head, "No. No that's fine. Don't tell her what to do, Ian. It won't go well. I'm just going to go make a phone call." 

Ian went to argue and Kelly looked remorseful, but I knew she meant every word she said. I smiled sadly and squeezed Ian's hand, "See you later." Ian reached out to me as I hurried downstairs, "Clare!" 


Ian's POV

I watched Clare hurry off downstairs with tears in her eyes and I looked back at Kelly with a disappointed look, "Look, I know that we've had some hard going, but in the last few years, we've started to work things out. I won't lie to you, what you said to Clare hurt her and it hurt me. I thought everything was working out between you two." 

Kelly nodded, "And it's great, I just-" I frowned, asking a question that I know Clare would never do, "She's not making you call her mom is she?" Kelly teared up, "No, she isn't. I want to call her mom. I do, I just don't think she wants that. I didn't mean to say what I did, I just see how happy she's making you and I wish I could be part of it too." I smiled and hugged her close, "Kelly, you need to talk to her about it then. She's told me that she wants to be your mom, but she doesn't want to force you to like her. She's in the same boat as you." Eddie came over the intercom, irritated, "Dr. Malcolm."

Kelly nodded, "Can I please come with you guys? I could be your research assistant like I was in Austin." I looked at her, "This is nothing like Austin. You got your own stuff. You got your gymnastics competition. You've been training for months." Kelly looked at me, "Gymnastics? I scrubbed out, Dad, I got cut from the team. Clary knows and we went out for ice cream that day, but thanks for knowing." 

Kelly walked to the railing and I grimaced, "I'm sorry honey, I know how much that meant to you." Kelly turned and faced me, "You like to have kids. But you just don't want to be with them, do you? Clary isn't my mother and she acts more like one to me than my actual one does." I gritted my teeth and turned around, "Hey, I'm not the one who dumped you and split for Paris, so don't take it out on me, and don't take it out on Clare!"

We stared at each other and Clare came over the intercom, "Dr. Malcolm. Downstairs before Eddie has a coronary." I sighed and walked towards the stairs and then turned around, "Honey. I'm sorry. Do you want some good parental advice? Don't listen to me. Always listen to Clare."

I got downstairs and hugged Clare close to me, kissing her head, whispering, "She didn't mean it. She's sorry." Clare sighed, "She did mean it, Ian. I saw that look in her eyes. It's the same I gave my parents when they adopted me and I was a ten-year-old little shit." I smiled, "Are you saying Kelly is a little shit?" Clare giggled, "No, but I recognize myself in her. I can't be mad at her for not considering me family. Let's go check out the toys." 

Eddie brought us over to a cage and the man working on it nodded, "The specs say it can't deform at twelve thousand psi, so we just have to test it." Eddie nodded, "Okay, let's clear. Are we clear?" Eddie asked around and the man raised the cage. 

Eddie shouted over the noise, "It's a High Hide." Ian looked confused and Eddie explained it more, "A High Hide. You know, you go up and hide, high. It goes up to where the trees are and keeps the researchers out of harm's way." Ian sucked in a breath, "Actually, it puts them at a very convenient biting height. What's the time? Do you have the time?" 

Eddie looked confused and I felt someone brush by me, I looked over to see Kelly and I smiled. Kelly looked over and hugged me, "I'm sorry, Clary. I didn't mean it." I hugged her, "Even if you did. I'm not mad. I couldn't be. I'm not really part of the family." Kelly frowned but continued to hug me, then walked off.

Eddie looked at Ian, "Three hours?" I nodded, "We will leave in three hours." Eddie scoffed, "You weren't part of the conversation." I grinned, "We now leave in two hours. I want everything packed up. Do you understand me!" Everyone in the warehouse stopped and spoke at once, "Yes, Mrs. Malcolm." 

Ian grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I'm in love with an heiress." 

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