Chapter One

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Clarissa Malcolm's POV

Ian yawned as we both got on the subway heading to my father's home. I sat down and Ian smiled at me, "You ready?" I sighed, "I'm not sure. You know my father. 'I have big news, Dearest Clarissa!' That could mean literally anything." A man started snapping and grinning at us and Ian looked confused, "Is he snapping at you? Is this a cat-call? I will break his wrist." I snorted as the man came over and sat beside me and Ian glared at him. The man grinned, "You're them right?" Ian raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" 

The man chuckled, "The scientists? The guy and his wife? I saw you sir on TV. I believed you." The man leaned close to Ian and I leaned back, slightly uncomfortable with what was going on. The man leaned back and mimicked the T-Rex's roar with a laugh. Ian looked at me and then looked over to see several ladies looking and smiling at him, causing him to cover his face.

We both got off and I started laughing as we walked up the sidewalk to my father's home, "I can't believe that he did that!" Ian groaned, "Those women were staring at me like I was a piece of meat." I grinned and slapped his ass, causing him to yelp, "Damn right you are!" Ian growled and grabbed me by the waist, "You, my dear wife, are a handful." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Ready for Mrs. Ex-Malcolm now?" Ian shook his head, "Sorry, Clare. You will have to just wait until I get eaten by a dinosaur for that to happen." 

I smiled, "I'm glad to hear that. Cause you ain't divorcing me, buddy." Ian chuckled, "I have no intention to." We walk into the home and I hear classical music faintly on the piano. The butler opens the door, "Who shall I tell Mr. Hammond is calling?" I smiled, "Clarissa and Ian Malcolm. We've been summoned." The butler smiled and nodded, "Ah, Mrs. Clarissa. Welcome to your father's home. Please do come in."

Ian snickered, "You're father still doesn't like me it seems." I giggled, "Somethings never change." We walked up the stairs and looked over when a door shut. I smiled widely as Tim ran down the stairs with Lex right behind him, "Dr. Malcolm! Aunt Clary!" Ian smiled and hugged Tim tightly, "Oh my god." Lex hugged me and I teared up, "You two are getting so big. It's so good to see you." Lex and Tim shared a look, "Are we getting a cousin?" 

Ian frowned and hugged me to his side as I sighed, "I won't lie. We've been trying, but I fear that the trauma from four years ago affected that." Lex and Tim hugged me and Tim whispered into my stomach, "I'm sorry for bringing it up. I hope everything works out." I smiled and kissed Ian's cheek, "And if it doesn't happen. Ian has children already, I will love them like my own." Ian smiled, "Adoption too, Clare. I know you've been talking about adopting that kid...Oh, what was his name." 

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Owen Grady. But he always has couples seeing him. I doubt he'll even want me to try." Lex smiled, "Never know until you try." I nodded as Ian smiled, "She's right." Tim smiled as he pulled away from me, "You came to see Grandpa?" Ian smiled, "Yeah, he called us. Do you know what isn't about?"

Lex and Tim kept quiet and Ian looked around, "I don't either. This joint's kinda creepy, isn't it?" I frowned and looked at them both, "What's wrong?" Lex frowned, "Well, not exactly." People came walking down the stairs and I rolled my eyes, turning my back to my cousin, Peter Ludlow. Peter stopped and sighed, "Dr. Malcolm. Cousin. Here to share a few campfire stories with my uncle?" 

I walked over to Peter with Ian following me and I glared at him, "You can convince The Washington Post and Skeptical Inquirer of whatever you want. But we were there. We know what happened and so do you." Peter looked at his assistants pulling out papers, "Do you actually believe that everyone who chose discretion did so for a nefarious motive? Even Lex and Tim?" 

Ian glared at him, "Leave them out of it. It's not a game." Peter nodded, "No it isn't. You both signed a nondisclosure agreement before you went to the island that forbade you from discussing what you saw. The only one of you that kept that up was my dearest cousin." Ian narrowed his eyes, "I did. And you twisted the facts surrounding the deaths of three people. You stuffed misinformation down the public's throat, which made me look like a nut. Clarissa is my main priority so I don't care what they say about me." 

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