Chapter Five

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We walked over to the cages and the dinos were growling, wanting to let out. I lifted the bar off one cage and started letting them out, only for a couple of them to stick by me. I looked at Ian confused, "I don't understand." Ian sighed, "Maybe one of the abandoned labs around here can explain it. 

We let all the animals out and I smiled at the baby stego that cooed at me as I ushered it back into the forest to go back to it's momma. A triceratops stood by me and I sighed, "I must be crazy for thinking they can understand me...Destroy the camp." The dino growled and every dino around responded, crashing through camp and destroying everything. 

Ian ran over to me and laughed, "How did you get them to understand?" I giggled, "I'm not sure, but it was amazing!" Kelly ran over to us and we headed back to camp before anyone could realize it was us. I shut the door and Ian started to mess with the radio, "It's not set to the frequency." Kelly pulled out a book and handed it to her dad, "Look here." 

Ian got the radio working, "Ah. Hola!" The woman spoke back and I scrunched up my nose as I looked outside in confusion as I heard a dinosaur come this way. My jaw dropped as Nick and Sarah brought out a baby T-Rex from the jeep, "No fucking way. They didn't." Ian looked over and Sarah got in, "Dr. Malcolm, Dr. Hammond, no lectures please." Ian shook his head, "No, no, Sarah, no!" Sarah shook her head, "He's hurt!" 

I stood in fear as they tried to heal the baby and Kelly stared at the baby. Ian kept trying the radio and Kelly backed up towards me, "Other animals are going to hear this. I got to get out of here. Dad, please. I want to leave. I wanna be someplace safe." Ian nodded, "Isn't it safe here?" Kelly shook her head, "I wanna be somewhere high." I looked at Ian, "Take her to the High Hide. Now, Ian." Ian nodded and took Kelly to the High Hide quickly, I looked at Sarah and Nick, "Are you two fucking crazy!?" 

Sarah looked at me with a pleading look, "He'll die if we don't help him!" I nodded, "Survival of the fucking fittest! I wish to live! But when mommy and daddy come 'cause he's calling them and they find him missing, they're going to tear us apart!" 

I sat in a chair with my head in my hands, listening to the dumbass duo try and fix the baby rex. The phone rang and I picked it up, "Hello?" Ian sounded panicked, "Mommy and Daddy are near." I groaned, "Ian, I'm going to kill them." I heard Ian talking to Kelly, "I'm going to get Mom. Kelly, you'll be safe here. I promise! Please, let me go get Mom. Honey, I'm coming don't move. Tell the morons to get that T-Rex out of the trailer."

Ian hung up and I slammed the phone down, "Numb-nuts! Mommy and Daddy are near! Put the wrap on the meat-eating baby and get him out of here!" Sarah called out, "Almost done!" I snarled, "Not good enough!" Ian came running into the trailer and hugged me close, "Why is the baby still here?" Metal crashed and squeaked as the other jeep launched off the edge of the cliff and Ian looked at Sarah, "Mommy's very angry." I glared at them, "I know how she feels." 

I looked out the window to see both T-Rex's looking in at their baby and the baby called back when they roared and started nudging the RV. I whimpered, "Not again. Not again. Not again." Ian held me close as he knew flashbacks were happening and Nick looked terrified, "What does she mean not again?" Ian gulped, "Her niece and nephew were almost crushed to death in a car by a T-Rex and she was thrown against a tree by one, breaking several ribs."

I slowly took the belt off the baby and he roared at his mom, Ian whispered to me, "Let's give them back the infant." I picked the baby up carefully and walked towards the door as the baby kept growling, the parents following my moves. Ian opened the door and I slowly put the baby down, going back into the RV, but one T-Rex grabbed the back of my jacket with its jaws. 

I started to breathe heavily and Ian's face turned pale, "No. No. No. Clare, no." The T-Rex placed me with its young as the baby nuzzled up to me. Ian gulped, "I'll find you. I promise." I teared up and nodded, "I love you, Ian." Sarah went to reach for me but Nick pulled her back and they shut the door. 

I trembled in fear as the T-Rex parents looked at me and cooed, picking me up with their baby and heading back into the jungle.


Ian's POV

I screamed out in rage as I smacked the wall of the RV, not wanting to believe that Clare was gone. Sarah cried into her hands and Nick's shoulders shook as he cried silently. I picked up with phone, "I see that, Eddie. How's Kelly?" I guess Eddie gave Kelly the phone and she sounded scared, "Hello?" I sighed, "Kelly are you okay?" Kelly shakily replied, "Yeah, I'm good. How's mom?" I teared up as my voice cracked, "I'm going to get her back. They took her as well as the baby." Kelly started to cry, "What do you mean they took her? Why'd they take her?" 

I cried, "I don't know. The dinosaurs, somehow have a connection to your mom. We will find out. I don't think they would hurt her, she'll be okay." Kelly sniffled, "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" I laughed through my tears, "Both of us. Is it working?" Kelly laughed through her sniffles, "Yeah." 

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