The Martyr Of Karbala

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Cruelty and oppression, persecution and torture, and threats of being murdered could not stop him from holding firm to the truth, and so, on the blessed day of the 10th Muharram, he laid down his life on the bloody plains of Karbala (Iraq), as a dignified supporter of the truth.

This was the unparalleled sacrifice of Husain (R.A) which was foretold by the Prophet (S.A.S) while Husain was still a baby.

According to a narration recorded by Adh Dhahabi, it is narrated that Anas (R.A) said, ‘The Angel of rain Mika’el (A.S) once sought permission from the Prophet (S.A.S) to be with him alone. The Prophet (S.A.S) then said, ‘O Umm Salmah, keep the door close on us.’ At that time, Husain (who was a baby) came through the door and started to jump on the Prophet (S.A.S), and the Messenger of Allah (S.A.S) was kissing him. The angel said (to the Prophet), ‘Do you love him?’ The Messenger of Allah (S.A.S) said, ‘Yes.’ The Angel then said, ‘Your nation will kill him, and if you want, I will show you the spot where he will be killed. Upon this, the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘Yes.’ The Angel then brought some red soil. Thabit (The narrator from Anas [R.A]) said, ‘We used to say that it is Karbala.’ (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No.13539, Pg.482, Vol.4, Darul Fikr)

Thus, what happened at Karbala, was a matter which was already decreed by Allah, and the beloved grandson of the Prophet (S.A.S) was required to offer his life to Allah in defence of the truth.

The eventual martyrdom of Husain (R.A) came about after Husain was invited by the Muslims of Koofa to leave his city of Hijaz and travel to Koofa so that they would pledge allegiance to him, and he will become their leader.

During the rule of Ali (R.A), he declared Koofa as the capital of the Caliphate. On account of this, many of the supporters of the family of the Prophet (S.A.S) settled there. When Muawiyah (R.A) died, his son Yazid declared himself as the Khalifa, but many Muslims in different territories, were opposed to this and were unwilling to pledge allegiance to Yazid. Koofa was not exception to this, and in order to choose the right leader, they wrote many letters to Husain who (at that time was living in Hijaz) to come to Koofa so that they would swear allegiance to him to be their leader. Based upon the repeated request from many Muslims in Koofa, Husain (R.A) decided to accept the invitation, and thus, prepared for his journey to Koofa. Hearing this news, some of the Sahabahs who were alive at that time and other great Tabieen Muslims pleaded to Husain (R.A), and encouraged him to desist from undertaking this journey to Koofa. They reminded him of the proverbial infidelity and fickle mindedness of the people of Koofa. They explained to him how they betrayed their leaders in the past and did not keep their promises. The great companion, Abdullah bin Abass (R.A) spoke to him and said, ‘My dear cousin, I can’t remain a silent spectator of your doom, the people of Koofa are hypocrites and cheaters, never trust them. It’s better you stay here in Hijaz, no one excels you in this land. Another cousin of Husain, Abdullah bin Jafar wrote to him from Madina, saying, ‘I beseech you in the name of Allah to desist from the implementation of your plan, for it entails your death and destruction for your family and companions. Your death will extinguish the light of the land. At present, you are the beacon light of faith and the centre of the believers, hopes. Don’t make haste in undertaking the journey.’ (Ibn Jareer)

Notwithstanding the pleas made to him by family members, friends and notable Muslim leaders, Husain made the firm intention to undertake his journey to Koofa (Iraq), as planned.

While leaving Makka for Iraq along with the members of his family, including all men, women, and children, the beloved grandson of the Prophet (S.A.S) made it clear to the people and said, ‘The matter now rest with Allah. His will be done. His commandments are issued every moment. If His will is favourable to us, we will praise Him and if His will is contrary to our expectations, we will earn the reward of our patience and resignation.’ (Ibn Jareer)

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