28. No reason.

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Akira's POV.

We reached a village and decided to rest there.

As always men were flocking around Miyako, what¿¿¿ she's sexy.

A few did walk up to me but backed off seeing Kage and the elements behind me.

Kiyoshi was swept away by the king who wanted to introduce him to his daughters .

Soon after guards came for Kage.
He followed, what?. were staying here, we gotta show our gratitude.

I sit by myself in a green field when someone came out of nowhere.

"What you doing".

"Oh Miyako, you almost gave me a heart attack".


I laughed out loud to see her all covered in blankets.

"What, they were after me".

"Beautiful was a really good wish to make, though I don't regret my wish, I love my Kage's".

"Are you kidding, I love your wish and it came true, if I knew I would have met Kiyoshi I would have wished the same".
"Am I hearing this, Mie, you want to fuck Kiyoshi".

"⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄. Uh I didn't say that".

"That's exactly what you're implying".

"I... no...I...".

"You love him".

"No... you don't understand".

"Have you guys kissed".

".... there's nothing going on between us, ok... he's just helping me go back home in exchange for me helping him kill the demon Lord".

"Aww sis'your sad".
I hugged her, and she sighed happily, I know how much she loves hugs.
Yet her death hug is life threatening.

We sat looking at the sky for a while.

I spoke first.
"Do you miss home".

"You mean mom,dad, Kai .
Ofcourse I do".

"Me too. I miss all of them".

"Nah, I don't miss school".

"Well I do, I'm a cheerleader remember, I wonder how the others are doing now, maybe there looking for us, maybe there worried about"–.

"You". she shrugged.


"Face it sis' no one in school likes me, people only hang out with me because your my sister, to get to you.
I hate to say this but even James played that trick on me, I'm only realising it now".

I was speechless but it was true, I never thought she felt that way.

"I'm sorry you feel that way".

"Don't be, it's okay, a little rude Birdy's making me say all this ".

"Those times James would help out with my homework, he would protect me, give me popularity, I would say to him, ' I love you' but he would smile and act like it was nothing".

I could see tears in her eyes as she spoke, her throat going dry.

"He used to kiss my nose, I thought it was cute, we would fight and he would give me space, which I would appreciate but... until he... stopped.

Guess he got your contact... everything stopped, the help, the protection everything... guess I was just a joke to... him... well to everyone.

I risk a lot for him,。◕‿◕。
But it's over now, I... don't care about... him... anymore.
I can't... force myself on him, I'm thankful I'm hear, no one rejects me, I haven't yet been one with my mind but I got that going for me, I got Grunt, I got you Tadashi, Kage's, and Kiyoshi... I've got him all I've ever needed.
I belong here, after this is all over, I'll stay here with them cause I see my future in their eyes."

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