19. Flash Back 1

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Kage: Why haven't you died yet.

Kiyoshi:*scoffs* Not until you die first.
Both dash at each other.

Akira and Miyako step between them, blocking their paths.

Akira: *almost gets hid by a flaming sword*.

Miyako:*almost gets hit by a razor sharp Katana blade*.

Akira/Miyako: Stop it.

Kage: Move out of the way.

Kiyoshi: Get out of the way, Miyako.

Miyako: Stop fighting.

Akira: Yeah your acting like kids.

Kage and Kiyoshi both push them aside, ready to kill there opponent when there weapons disappeared from there hands.
Kiyoshi takes the upper hand and punches Kage.

"Okay, that's enough from the both of you Ahma brothers" I break in.

All shocked: BROTHERS.

"What I thought you both knew by now".

Akira: KNEW, we're only hearing this now.

Miyako: I feel betrayed.

"Why haven't you both announced your brotherhood".

Kage/Kiyoshi: I'm ashamed of him.

"Great two brothers ashamed of each other and trying to end each others life. And I gotta make them make up.

"Okay boy's, how do we begin".

Kage: By letting me kill him.

Kiyoshi:*scoffs*. As if you could.

"Let's start with a simple question of why you hate each other" I said hoping they'd agree.

Kage: I wish not to share anything.

Kiyoshi: Neither do I *folds hands*.

Earth: Look's like they found common ground.

"I don't care". I yelled as they were both focused onto sitting on a chair, that magically appeared out of nowhere.
Chains they come out and pin there hands down.
"Flash Back" I yelled choosing the older one first.

Let's see his point of view?!!!!

Flash Back.
(time skips to when Kage was born).

My family was a perfect one.
People: Hail prince Kage, heir to the throne.
Hail Hail Hail.

Every one loved me...
"Gifts, gifts for the heir".

My parents were so happy, my father was a wolf demon, while my mother was a half human.
They didn't want any more soul to the family except from me.

Mother: Awwww my baby. I love you so much.
(Gives kage a pet).
(He giggled while squeezing the breath out of it).

One day when I was a bit older, war broke out.
My mother had to stay to protect me and as any foolish parents, they thought they could have some moments of s*x before heading out.
The next day, I heard my father was gone.
A few weeks later, my mother was pregnant.
Knowing fully well that if the villagers saw her baby, there would be panic and they shall try to kill it,... kill her.

Before I knew it every moment of my life was spent alone, sadly my mother was perfectly ready and equipped to let her knew baby survive.
I only ever saw her at night to tuck me in followed by her deciet ful lies.

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