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Akira's POV.

The handsome man that caught me protected me.
He stretched out his palm and black miasma circled it then shot out into the ground as other me in horse trampled when crossing.

A man stabbed the side of his horse.
I fell off while he leaped into the air landing a few metres from the man who supposingly chocked to death.

I looked in awe when a hand gripped my hair.
I screamed as another man carried me on his horse and held me.

"Help"I groaned as the man who saved me looked away and focused on his battle.

Half Demon POV.

I looked intensively at her she was strange and different.
I walked closer staring deeply into her lavender eyes that pulled me in.

"Hey you haven't answered my question"I said walking up to her.

She made a low sound like she was in pain.
Then I saw her bleeding,I stared into her shaky eyes that emitted fear,shock,and pain.

Then I embarrassed myself.

I tripped on a stone and fell on her my two arms by her side.

"Master Kiyoshi" Grunt said breathing heavily.
Then paused seeing the awkward moment.

"Ohhh my. Kiyoshi you didn't tell me that you came to lay with a woman"he turned around.

I got off her.

"It's not what it looks like, you smelly pig" I yelled crossing my arms.

Some thing was happening I felt a surge of blood to my cheeks.

"Looks like I spoiled your fun"he turned towards me with an ugly smirk.

"Shut up or I'll"-.he cut me off.

"I must say I'm impressed with your choice of women."

" I ".

"No wonder you ran quickly huh"he raised his brow and dropped it continually"You didn't want me to catch you in the act. Go on.
I'll leave".

I punched him sending him flying.
" Ahhhhhhhhhh". He finally crashed into a tree" Ow".

I looked to the side now blushing with a vein mark at the side of my head💢.
I was beginning to get irritated.

"Look I killed the beast then found that it was chasing her,I tripped and fell and an idiot like you walks up and thinks we're having se"-.

"Shush!!! Master she's asleep"Grunt says crawling out of the rubble of trees.

I turned and looked over,her eyes were closed alright but she was bleeding.
"SHIT. You pork brain, she fainted".

Authors Note.

Hope you all love this chapter😙😁.
Feel free to drop any comments oh and don't forget to vote.

Remember I'm a beginner I need your support🙏.

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