21. The Tournament

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Authors Note.

This might be boring, a bit guys but I urge you not to skip any part of this chapter till you reach , Chapter  24. Explanation.

It's really important for you to understand what's going on.

Kay Kay bye.

Kiyoshi groans while struggling to get free trying to resist my magic.

<[Kiyoshi: Get me out of here you imbecile]>.

<[Fate: I think we should go back to the movie]>.

All: Yeah.

Kiyoshi: Aaaaarrrggghhh. *Groans*.

Flash Back.
(A bit older, to about nineteen~.

Roonie: My prince today is the day of the tournament,every youth will be there , even other royalties will attend from far and wide.
It will be amazing.
To bad the king your father prohibited you from attending even when future king Kage will be there.

Kiyoshi: You know, I'm gonna go right.

But you were forbidden to join by the king.

Kiyoshi: Yeah and your not helping bragging to me about it.
*Gets up*.
Plus who cares what the old man thinks, I'm gonna go no matter wh-.

Mother: Kiyoshi.
*Mother yells from outside before entering*.

Kiyoshi: mother.

Hiromi: what were you discussing.

Kiyoshi: I... well I just said that I will never defile father's law and will not go to the tournament.
I was practically swearing it.


Hiromi: Great, *kisses his forehead while Kiyoshi couldn't bear maintaining his

Now I will be attending the tornament with your father as the guest of honour.
Awww are you sure you don't wanna come.

Kiyoshi:*lying*. Of course not, it's probably lame , I'll just stay here in the comforts of my bed.

Hiromi: you sure.

Kiyoshi: Hell yeah.

~time skips to the tournament~.

Kiyoshi: HELL YEAH.
He says from the crowd, staring at people happily.

Kiyoshi: Whoa.

This was practically his first time out side the dome in the real world, it was  it was...

Kiyoshi: Awesome.

People were everywhere, the place was so crowded, humans were everywhere.
People talking, hugging, laughing, kissing...

Kiyoshi: Yuck🤢.

But most of all they were all with loved ones and friends, something he never had.

Roonie: my prince this is amazing but don't you think it'll be suspicious when they find out you are not at the castle.

Kiyoshi:*scoffs*. Tsh I got that covered.

~scene skips to the royalties~.

Kage: Mother where is my Mangy brother, he needs to watch as I win this battle and show my superiority.

Hiromi: Well if you must know, he is not merely interested in seeing or joining this fight he is at the forest training.

Kage: hmph, wimp.

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