16. Amazing

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Kiyoshi's POV.

I glided freely through the cave, playing dumb as Miyako secretly play's with my hair.
But I know what she's doing.
I just...um...I don't like it....I just don't think she should stop.

My thoughts were interrupted when my sharp ears pick up on crazy sounds, like.

What kind of monster would be making that noise... unless.

I stopped in my tracks.
Miyako to stopped and hid behind Grunt childishly when I turned around.
Exactly what I thought she'd do.
I then run like lightning, I could hear them screaming my name.

After a turn,I finally arrived and.
"Yuck Fuck".
Was the only thing that escaped my mouth, when I turned around, trying to get the image out of my head.

Grunt who was now a cheater sped passed me but after seeing turned around.
He remarked, morphing back into a pig.

I felt like throwing up, but stopped.
" Guy's. Why are you running".
I heard Miyako scream, heading towards us.
I couldn't let her see that and corrupt her child like brain, and that is not an insult.

"Uh. Pause Miyako".

"Uh" she instantly froze. "Why".

"Why not".

"Huh your right" she smiled.
"Wait a minute,are we playing a game".

"This is not a game, this is real life" Grunt yelled, making her confused.

"Shut up. Pig" I said.

"What's going on. Is there something you guys aren't telling me".

"There's nothing" I said.

"It's in-and-out movement " Grunt hastily replied, losing his head.

"What in and out movements"she asked.
"I wanna play that game".

"What game".

"Fuck" Grunt whispered.

"Fuck indeed." Miyako boasted like it was a good thing.

"No. FUCK FUCK" Grunt says.

"The name of the game is Fuck Fuck" she asked.

"No" I muttered.

"Yeah it's actual FUCK" Grunt explained.

"Ohhh now I get it" she said mischievously, winking.

My shoulders dropped, that stupid pig corrupted her.
I awaited her next words.

"The name of the game is Actual Fuck.
I understand".

Wait she still doesn't get it.
How naive can someone be.

" Kiyoshi I wanna play the game with you".


"Uhh-huh"she nods. "How do they play".

"I can't watch this" Grunt says getting up.
" Good luck, though ".

" Hey get back here" I yell.
" Nobodies fucking anybody".

"Except from you and me"she says and I blushed.

" Me".

" Master. I don't want to watch this" Grunt pleads.
" One sight is enough".

"Uh...so how do they play"she asked.

" Well you gotta be nake"-.
I pushed Grunt in the face before he continued.

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