15. I'm sorry

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Kage's POV.

I stood up, pulling my feets across the floor weakly.
In a distance the human could be seen surrounded by a group of men romancing her, kissing and touching her body.

That girl, she... she did something to me.
I can still hear that creepy chuckle in my mind.
I need to go meet the mortal, maybe she could help... maybe.

My body starts denying my command, I try to reason what the little menace did to me.
I knew I was going to do something to her, I thought of changing course, right now I didn't have the energy to protect her from them and from myself.

Grunt's POV.

We were all walking in search of an exit.
Miyako held her best friends hand as they chatted.
Kiyoshi caught sight of this and clenched his fist, angrily stomping a bit further ahead of us.

"Hey. I never got your name"she asked.

"So much for best friends " Kiyoshi scoffed, in his classic arms crossed manner.

Till now, I still don't know how Kiyoshi hasn't told Miyako about his feelings,though there mutual.
But she's oblivious.
Now I know why, he has self ego.

"It's Tadashi".

"Tadashi. Okay. I'm Miy"-.

"Miyako. I know, I heard it way back".

"I know, I heard it way back" Kiyoshi mimicingly mocks.


I had enough of seeing kiyoshi's jealousy, it's weird and unusual yet somehow childish.... horrible.

I cleared my throat, thankfully getting Tadashi's attention and not the rest.
I motion him to look over to Kiyoshi,who practically had steam shooting out his ears.
Tadashi chuckled a bit, understanding then started thinking of an excuse.

"Umm. Miyako. I.... Gotta go ".

"Huh why"she says a bit sad.

"I got something to do".

"I can help you. I'm really handy, just ask Kiyoshi".

Tadashi stared at Kiyoshi who scoffed again before throwing his head to the side.

"Yeah... about that.
I have to go meet my girlfriend" he lied.

"Girlfriend" she exclaimed "I didn't know you had a girl friend" she gasped "I can come to, you know to see her, I bet she'd be beautiful".

"Yeah but it'll be a bit awkward... you know your a girl and she's a girl... those stuff girls do when they see there man with someone else".

"What stuff".

"I don't know... but you just can't come".

"Uh. Okay. If you say so...."

"Thanks your the best" he gives her a thought hug and she flushed, shocked a little.

He ran past Kiyoshi and intentionally pushed him onto Miyako.

He gave a slight yelp, accompanied with a blush.

Tadashi laughed running off.

"To bad Tadashi had to leave...he was my new and first ever real best friend".

"You still got me" I said trying to comfort her before she says.

"You don't count".


Kage's POV.

Suddenly the group of Akira's assualters increased when another one joined the show.
At first he stood there dazed, but shruged it off making enough room for himself.

She was contemplating between her body and her mind.
Her body wanted it so bad but her mind didn't,so she just stood there.

I tried to turn around but my legs kept on going .
I know I was going to do something I might regret later.
But she quickly caught sight of me, pushing her band of lover's running up to me.

She kept on explaining but I wasn't listening, that laugh was playing in my mind again like a reoccurring song bringing out the hidden side of me.

My eyes trailed down her nape to see her cleavage driving me crazy.
I rubbed her cheek, she smiled.

The gang surrounded me instantly wanting there prey back.
Protect her.
I'd say to myself, when I couldn't even protect her from myself.

I motioned to the side of her head, falling into any trap I was in.
I bit her nape to her ears before whispering.

"I'm sorry".

Then I tore her top off, for her chest to spring out.
She gasped as my hands grabbed her and pinned her to the ground.
Accompanied by more, I didn't careless if they joined I just wanted to get this out of my system.

"Yes. Please..." I heard her gasp, making me shocked.
"Wait I have a boyfriend n"-.
Before she could finish her sentence I was already in her as her words were shorten by the earth Me's kiss.

And we all toyed with her as her moans filled the cave.

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