Revolt Part 2

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The castle was eerily quiet as she walked down the dark hallway. The walls were cool and damp, and the cobblestone floor was dangerously slippery. Her heels clacked against the floor, echoing through the passageway with every step. Her long black cloak shielded her from the chilling breeze that blew through, but she still shivered.

She stopped once she reached the large oak door at the end of the corridor. She reached her hand out, pressing a series of buttons hidden in the wall. The door creaked open, and she stepped through.


Eriana grabbed the key from its bucket and hurriedly unlocked the cell door. She rushed to Lynx's side, carefully propping him up on the wall.

His eyes fluttered open, and he gently shifted against the rough stones.

Eriana scrunched her eyebrows in concern as Lynx winced against her touch. She pulled her hand away quickly, and Lynx's gaze softened.

Eriana scanned his injuries, pausing at his arm. There was no doubt it was broken, and it most certainly did not feel good.

She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly decided against it. It didn't matter what had happened to him, as long as she could help him heal. Still, she was curious, and Lynx could see that.

"It's okay. You can ask."

Eriana nodded, carefully sitting down on the ground. Her dress would probably get stained with dirt, but that was fine.

"Lynx, what.... Happened?"


She closed the door gently behind her, careful not to make a sound. The hallway was filled with a soft click as the door locked into place once again.

She made her way through the maze of corridors, kicking up small clouds of dirt in her wake.

Her plan had gone well so far, and she hoped her luck would not change. Just like every other time the King tortured a new prisoner, the dungeon was empty. Few cells had anyone in them, and there was not a guard in sight.

Soon, she arrived at her destination, grinning when she saw the cell had already been opened.

Inside the cell was a boy and a girl, and they were just who she had planned to be there.


Lynx took a deep breath, putting his good arm down to steady himself. He had been surprised when Eriana showed up, but he was grateful. It had been a long while since anyone cared for him.

Eriana gently sat down on the ground, smoothing her skirt beneath her. She looked curious, and Lynx didn't blame her. Anyone would wonder when the new prisoner was beat up.

Last night had been quite the stir, but Lynx was ready to talk about it.

"The King came to torture me last night."

Eriana gasped, putting a hand to her mouth. Her gaze was filled with worry, and her voice dripped with sympathy as she said, "I'm so sorry."

Lynx smiled sadly, looking down at the ground. "Don't be. I had it coming anyway, being a rebel and all. It's just part of the job."

Eriana shifted on the ground as she scooted closer to Lynx. "Still, I can't believe he did that. Actually- no, nevermind, I can believe it. Are you okay?"

He raised an eyebrow at her obvious question, letting out a short laugh. "Other than being bruised and broken? Yeah."

She laughed, realizing how blatant that question had been. "Sorry, I don't know why I asked that."

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