Chapter 8

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Eriana's POV

"2 hours on the clock. And your time starts... NOW!"

As soon as General Langston said those words, there was a flash throughout the room. The once plain black room was now a full on Navigation Center and Battle Tactic Room, equipped with computers, speakers, a giant touchscreen TV screen, and a bunch of other cool electronic devices, along with the common materials such as paper, pen, pencil, and markers. In the very center of the room, there was a large table, with a touchscreen set into it instead of a usual tabletop.

Overall, the room looked pretty cool - and very tech savvy.

Lynx walked over to the screen table, and started looking around it. Walking over to him, I asked, "What are you doing?"

He answered me without looking up from his search. "I'm trying to find a button to turn this on."

I was about to say something more when he exclaimed, "Found it." He clicked the button, and the table made a light sound like "Boo da doo" before the entire screen lit up.

"Welcome!" A light robot-like voice narrated along with the words on the screen. "Tap the screen to see your mission!"

I tapped the screen, and it turned black again before lighting up a second later. Now, the screen was showing a map, and a smaller box about half the size of the table started playing a sort of movie trailer like description of our mission.

"Here is your mission: On the East side of Myst, there is an army rolling in. At the moment, they are 30 miles (About 48.3 km) away. There are 500 soldiers, led by 5 of the most powerful of the nation. The 5 leaders go by Midnight, Realm, Force, Memory, and the strongest of them- Plan."

I stared blankly at the screen, wondering if I had heard that right.

The narration continued. "You must find a way to stop or delay the army. Good luck!"

Isla's POV

(Why yes, I did just change the POV during the chapter)

"Good luck!" The narrator finished.

A few minutes ago, we had just entered the dark room. But, after putting on the headsets, the room transformed into an electronic paradise.

Oliver was so excited about all the technology that he was barely even paying attention to our "mission".

At the moment, Olly was walking around, gawking at every little computer and cool device. I was about to call his name when I thought of something better. Much much better.

I snuck up behind him while he was busy staring at the giant computer on the wall, got right up next to his ear, and whispered "Olly~"

Oliver shrieked, stumbling onto the ground.

Naturally, I started cackling. "Jeez Isla. You scared me."

Through gasping breaths and giggles, I replied, "Obviously."

Olly tried to glare at me, but my constant giggling and the thought of what had just happened, his mouth kept twitching into a smile, until he finally gave in and started laughing too.

His smile was so wide and happy that I couldn't help but stare as he laughed.


We stood around the tabletop, studying the map projected on the screen.

"Sooo what should we do?" I asked. The screen gave us buttons, and other such options. The whole situation kind of reminded me of some kind of video game.

"Well, we're supposed to stall the army heading to Myst, right? So... who's stationed over?"

The computer table thingy made the weird "Boo da doo" sound again before the voice said, "The nearest station to the army is at Bellian Bunker, about 5 miles away."

Olly seemed to be thinking about this all so hard that his eyebrows were all scrunched together in this adorable way and- hehe we'll shut that thought down.

"Come on Isla, Oliver is your friend. He doesn't like you that way."

"Okay, so, if the people stationed at Bellian Bunker are about 5 miles away from the invading army, and we send them out right now, they should get there about 3 or so miles from the army. Hmm I'm not sure that's good enough... and it probably won't hold them off for long..."

I studied the map projected on the tabletop. "The only path leading to Myst is through a ½ mile wide gap through the mountains."

Olly smirked, and my stupid heart fluttered.

"Perfect. Hey, computer voice. Tell the people stationed at Bellian Bunker to head out now- oh, and to start building a wall."

August's POV

(Yes, I changed the POV yet again)

"Umm sooo we have to stall the army headed toward us?" Winter asked, flopping down in a seat around the electric table thing with the screen.

I sat down next to him, looking at the weird map on the table.

"Yeah, I think that's what the computer thingy said. Is this a map of Myst?"

Winter straightened up in his seat. "Probably. Do you have any ideas on what to do?"

"Ummm." I looked closer at the map. Near where it showed that the invading army was, there was a small building. I tapped on the building, and a small description showed up.

Winter decided to read the description out loud. "Bellian Bunker, 100 people stationed. A few miles away from the invading army just outside of the Border Mountain range."

"Bellian Bunker? The Border Mountain range? So... the closest places to the outskirts of Myst?..."

"Yeah, I guess." I responded.

Winter looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

My face reddened. "You didn't say that out loud, did you? Sorry."

He smirked. "So you want to read my mind, eh?"



Silence for a minute, until I spoke up again. "A-anyway, we should figure out a way to stall the army heading to Myst."


"Good job! You have completed your task! Please take your headset off and wait for further instructions."

Winter ripped the headset off of his head and disappeared. Not wanting to be stuck in this weird virtual world thing, I carefully removed my headset.

We were in the real world now, back in the plain black room. Winter placed his headset on a small table in the middle of the room, and I did the same.

"Well, that was... weird." He said.

"Yeah I guess it-"

"Oh no."

I stumbled, almost falling to the ground, but Winter caught me.

"Oh no."

Flashes played throughout my mind. Flashes of events yet to happen.

"Oh no oh no oh no."

Winter stood me back up, and I turned around to face him.

"Something really bad is going to happen."

And so the chapter ends. It was kind of a short chapter (sorry bout that) but also kind of interesting with the POV switches? Idk. How did you like it?

(Btw check the next chapter for something ~iNtErEsTiNg~)

Have a good day!

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