Chapter 16

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Isla's POV

"What is it?" Oliver asked me, waving goodbye to Nao and Cal as their carriages rode off into the night.


He turned towards me, an odd mixture of concern and curiosity evident on his face. "I can tell you're thinking about something."

I started walking back inside, and Olly followed me.

"It's nothing. Just... this weird feeling in my gut. I probably just ate something funky though."

Still, even as I said that, it was hard to believe. I don't know why, but I had this sinking premonition that something was off, and I just couldn't shake it.

As Oliver and I made our way back up to our rooms, I kept thinking.

"What if something is actually happening?"

"Hey, Olly. Can I sleep in your room again tonight?" I didn't really want to be alone tonight- not with this weird suspicion. Thankfully, Olly graciously accepted my proposal.

"Just grab the things you need from your room and head on over."


I flopped onto Oliver's bed, my hair a sopping mess from my shower.

Olly climbed in next to me and fixed the blankets. We clicked the lights off, and the two of us just lay there in silence.

I turned over to face Oliver, but he had already fallen asleep. I sighed, and stared back up at the ceiling.

"Goodnight, Olly."

I closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off into sleep.



We were awoken by a loud boom, and I immediately jolted upright.

Oliver sat up next to me, and we both looked at each other.

"What's happening?"

General Langston burst into the room, a look of concern that I never expected to see on his face.

"Quickly! Get changed and follow me down to the basement!"


We were all six gathered in a small room in the basement, huddled together and very confused.

There were a couple chairs and one couch- which August promptly sat down in. Winter lay his head in August's lap, staring up at the ceiling. August was flustered, of course, but he didn't really seem to mind.

"Anyone know what's happening right now?" Winter asked, a few minutes after the General left the room. Everyone shook their heads.

The silence continued until Mr. Langston reentered the room.

Everyone perked up, ready to hear some sort of explanation.

"So, what's going on?"

We all turned to face the General, eagerly awaiting his answer.

"I didn't want to have to say this but... Myst is under attack."


"What?! What do you mean Myst is under attack?!"

The room bristled with shock, everyone talking at once. General Langston opened the door, stepping out before telling us, "I'm sorry, that's all I can tell you."

As the door closed, Winter stood up and brushed off his pants. "Well? We going to follow him or what?"


The manor bustled with activity. Everywhere you looked people were running around, shouting commands and updates.

Cameron- who we (surprisingly) hadn't seen in a while- hurried up to General Langston. They whispered something in his ear, and the two of them ran off someplace.

All of us looked at August and I- the two telepaths- for what Cameron had told Mr. Langston. August and I glanced at each other, and I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"They said a forcefield was set up around the cities, and... that Bellian Bunker is under siege."


"Wasn't Bellian Bunker part of Round 2?"

"Yeah, we had to deploy the soldiers there to stop the invading forces."

"Does that mean all of that... wasn't fake?"

As we stood there talking, Cameron came up to us with a stern look on their face.

"What are you doing up here? All of you are supposed to be in the basement right now!"

But before any of us could respond, the ground started to glow a bright white. Cameron swore under their breath and ran off.

Winter looked around. "Well... this is weird."

The ground started shaking, and the white glow swallowed the world. My eyes drooped, and I struggled to find my footing.

"Anyone else.... getting sleepy?...."

The room around us shifted, and then I blacked out.

We're starting to get to the more action oriented parts of the story! A lot of this chapter was pretty fast paced, which is what is going to happen for most of the upcoming chapters. Hopefully I can write action well.

Also, sorry if this chapter was a little odd. I wrote it in my journal during camp, so it's not the best.

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day!

The Wizards of MystOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora