Special Ideas

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Hey guys! As you can see, this is not a regular update. Since I'll probably reach 1k views on the Wizards of Myst in a few weeks, I wanted to start planning a special. So, here are the ideas I was thinking:

Special AU chapter

Special ship chapter


Anything else you guys can think of

Vote for the AU chapter here→

Vote for the ship chapter here→

Vote for the Q&A here→

Share your other ideas here→

Okay, now a little something I need you guys to fill out, regardless to if you voted for a specific thing or not.

AU chapter ideas:

Favorite ships (in ranked order):

What ship you would want to see more of:

Ship chapter ideas:

Q&A questions (can be about anything, 3+ questions:

What colors would the characters all be?:


Thank you all for your cooperation and attention! Have a good day!

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