Chapter 14

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Somehow, Kelsie convinced me to stay with her for the week while David installed some more security around where I frequent often. It felt nice to be around her more often.

"Have you been decorating? Things look a little different now."

"Oh yea, just added some new things to make some room."

"Some room? For what?"

"I have a lot of old stuff to get rid of, especially things from exes I don't care for anymore. Plus... I have some wonderful news I have the green light to share."

My eyebrow raised in curiosity, I could think of a lot of things this could mean, so instead of guessing I asked. Not really in the mood to be wrong about something right now.

"Are you pregnant?"

"Fuck no, though I am getting off the depo shot. Why didn't anyone tell me to do research on this stuff??"

"Kels, did you forget that they forced you to get on the shot your first week into foster care?"

"Oh yeaaa, I totally forgot about that. It all makes sense now, but still. I've been irresponsible with my body for too long. I'm going to treat my body like the pyramid it is."

"You're supposed to treat your body like a temple."

"Let me be ditzy and cute in peace, you know I get exhausted from thinking and typing every day, let's not forget how often I have to come up with excuses so the men I work with can leave me alone for the short amount of time before another one bothers me. It's just too much, sometimes I need to mentally relax and be a bit airheaded."

"That's true, I'm sorry, I don't know why I felt the need to correct you. That was a bitch move, to be honest."

"Stop it," She whined as she brought me into a hug.

"You're supposed to laugh it off, not take it seriously."

"I know, I just don't know what's going on with me right now."

"Sweetie, you've been through a lot recently. If I were in your shoes, I would be in a psych ward and heavily medicated. You're a strong woman, and that's the issue. It's ok to be soft and vulnerable sometimes, you just have to learn to accept that."

"It's hard, I'm not even sure that the therapy is working." 

"Two sessions isn't enough, things like this take time along with a lot of dedication to make a noticeable difference. Patience is a virtue."

Nothing else was needed to be said, so instead of responding, for once I listened. Kelsie has been through so much trauma, and yet, she had built herself up anew, rising above everything that was in her path, while surpassing the people who tried to destroy who she was. She never expressed jealousy of anyone, never used the advantages that she possessed to get ahead to make life easier for her. She won a huge lawsuit against the state her foster parents live in since it was proof of them ignoring various of reports of child abuse, neglect, and trafficking going on in the house, yet they never investigated any of them. Even when it was reported that the husband, wife, and Kelsie all had the same STI, nothing was done about it. The payout was about $1.4 million, instead of keeping it all. Kelsie donated 70% of it to various survivors since organizations couldn't be trusted, due to personal experience with a few of them. 

If the world had more hearts like hers, maybe we would be in a better place. They even keep in contact with her, and the few who have passed, she's done her best to pay for their funeral and tombstone, so they'll always be remembered properly. 

"I wish I meat you sooner, maybe my life would be better."

"It's no guarantee that much would've changed. But now, you have a chance to live, so don't waste it envying anyone else, Life is a journey, we were all dealt cards from the hand of life, and sadly, me and you got dealt shitty hands up until our 20's. Now, we have a bit more control over the way things go. You are a smart, beautiful, strong woman, Olivia. Allow yourself some leniency and grace, you're doing the best with the hands dealt to you. Be kind to yourself." 

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