Spider's Web

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Anyone got a cartoon recommendations? I'm finishing up rewatching Danny Phantom rn and then I'm starting the Knuckles series. But recommendations would be appreciated😚🫶


We met up with Leorio who informed us about what he had been up to while we were out. He said that a couple had found the website and would contact him if any of the Troupe members were found. Luckily, two of them had been. One of the members was a woman with pink hair and the other was a male with black hair. We sat in the building just behind the Troupe members, out of sight and out of mind.

"So, how do we catch those two?" Leorio asks.

"You don't." Killua immediately responds, "they're out of our league. I knew it as soon as I saw them. My dad killed one of the spiders for a job once...it was one of the few times I heard him complain about his job. He said it wasn't worth the money." Killua slides his milkshake towards him and takes a sip of it. "That's the highest compliment he's ever given to a target. He told us to stay away from the Troupe...it's actually been a while since he told me, so I thought we might stand a chance."

"Damn." I said, "so they're really that strong?"

Killua nods, "imagine there are two Hisoka's down there." Killua rephrases for Leorio and Gon.

"Y-Yeah...that's more than we can handle."

"So, why do we think they're here?" Killua asks.

"They're on a date, right?" Leorio responds.

"I doubt that they would allow dating in the Troupe." I admit.

"Nope. They noticed the other couple behind them. They're paying close attention to their surroundings. At first I thought they were just being cautious because the mafia is after them. But if that were so, they wouldn't be sitting in a public place. They aren't worried. They're waiting for someone to find them." Killua explains.

Then suddenly, the atmosphere changed.

"Anyone else have a bad feeling...?" I quietly ask.

"Have they noticed us?" Leorio adds.

"Not yet." Killua replies.

"You sure? I can't use zetsu like you guys can." Leorio admits.

"If we used zetsu, that would attract their attention. They aren't trying to sense Nen...they're trying to see if anyone in this area looks or is acting suspicious. So, y'all better wipe that look off your faces." Killua says, "act natural."

Gon, Leorio and I all give Killua a nervous and forced smile.

A few minutes later, the two Troupe members stood up and walked off. "Sooo, are we going after them or...?" I trail off, watching the two Troupe members.

"We'll figure out a way." Leorio replies.

"We can't leave empty handed." Gon states, determination in his amber eyes.

Killua sighs, "alright, then listen carefully. Gon, Y/N and I will track them. We won't let them spot us." Killua then activates zetsu as he looks to Gon and I. "I need you two to promise me something. One: if they spot us, we give up and immediately retreat. And two: if I say that pursuing them is impossible for any reason, we retreat and give up. Okay?"

Killua continued to go over the rules for this operation. We were to have our phones on vibrate (which is what my default setting is anyway), if they split we follow the woman and Leorio will contact Zepile so that we know how the auction is going.

"I'm guessing you two have never tracked anyone before?" Killua asks, wanting some prior knowledge as to what we know how to do.

Gon and I both told Killua that we had done tracking before without getting caught. He seemed a bit relieved to hear that.

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