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In case nobody saw (or heard) Matpat is retiring from YouTube and I am VERY upset...SO HERES A CHAPTER WHILE WE MOURN


"Here we are!" Menchi announces as she shows us a cliff with spider webs and eggs attached. I looked down at the cliff, my heart sinking at the height. I felt a tug on my arm from behind me, "don't get to close or you'll fall and die." It was Killua, this is the second time he's done something like this...and it's a nice feeling?

"Oh thanks for making me feel better..." I trail off. Menchi explained that the eggs were hard ingredients to obtain...as she jumped off the cliff?!

I held onto Killua's arm tightly as I peered over the edge of the cliff, Menchi grabbed hold of a web and hung from it.

"Even if she grabs an egg, how will she get back up?" Leorio questions.

And then she let go?! What is wrong with this woman?!

She fell and grabbed hold of a spider eagle egg before continuing her fall downward.

"Is she trying to kill herself?" Leorio continues.

"You're wrong," Kurapika replies as a harsh wind from below blows up towards us. A figure was seen in the wind and up it came towards us, spider eagle in hand, it was Menchi.

"That looks fun...!" Killua comments looking at Menchi. She lands on top of the rock where we are, her heels clicking.

"The ravine has a strong draft that helps hatch the eggs." Netero says.

"Now you just need to boil the egg!" Menchi smiles.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

I look to Killua, "I'm not doing that. I could die if I jump down there."

Killua glances at me, "oh so you're dropping out? Congrats!" He pulls away from me, "have fun retaking the exam~."

I suddenly feel nothing under me, I look to see that I'm falling down the cliff and near the webs. My eyes widen as tears fill my eyes, as I grab hold of the nearest spider web, holding it with dear life.

I hang from the web with teary eyes as I look to see the boys beside me, I looked over at Killua who was farther down from me. "Killua, what the hell?!" I screamed at him, "I could have died! Why did you do that?!"

"But you didn't die? So I don't see the problem." He comments as people begin to jump down, "so we jump?"

"Not yet." Gon instructs, "we can't go until there's wind."

"Is it time to go now?! I would like to be back on the ground!" I scream, my heart beating out of my chest.

"We have to wait," Gon says as he shuts his eyes.

Then the web drops a bit making me let out a small scream, "I hate it here! I hate it here! I hate it here!"

"The web is snapping!" Kurapika says.

"Thanks for making me think about my impending doom Kurapika!" I complained.

More snaps were heard as the web continued to drop. I shut my eyes tightly, trying my best to daydream in order to distract myself from my current situation. But the continuing snaps didn't help any.

"Now!" Gon yells as we all jump, letting go of the web and grabbing hold of a spider eagle egg. My eyes open as I grabbed one, shutting them again once we fell. However once I felt the draft I opened them to see us floating back up to the mountain, and finally landing back on the ground.

"I've never been so happy to be back on solid ground!" I exclaim once I land. I was on all fours, I honestly don't think I've ever had a rush like this before.

"Were you really that scared?" I hear Killua say, his shoes coming into my field of vision from where I was. I glanced up to him, tear stains on my cheeks from where I had been crying from the fall. I then sat on the ground, holding my egg and looking away from him.

"I didn't realize that pushing you would make you that upset," Killua says, "sorry."

I look back to him, "why would you do that...?"

He shrugs, "I just didn't want you to have to retake the exam next year..." he trails off, his eyes looking away from me.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" I look to see Gon rushing towards us with a worried look. "You've been over here for a while and you seemed really scared back there. Are you okay?"

I shake my head, "I've never had such a r-rush before. I honestly thought I-I was going to die..."

Gon wraps his arms around me, bringing me into a hug. "I know it was scary, but you passed phase two right?" He pulls away, gesturing to the egg, "there were so many people who were scared to jump but you did and look, you passed!"

"Gon, I didn't jump." I started.

He tilts his head in confusion, "you didn't?"

"Killua pushed me."

Gon looks to Killua who was looking the other way, as if he had nothing to do with the trauma he just caused me. "Killua! You can't just push people off cliffs!"

"She wasn't going to jump if I didn't!" Killua argues.

"But she's crying! You probably have no idea how much trauma you caused her!" Gon yells at him.

The two went back and forth arguing with one another about how Killua shouldn't have pushed me, and then since Killua did push me off, he helped me pass, etc...

As the two argued, I carried the egg over to the boiled pot that had the other eggs. I set mine inside and walked over to Leorio and Kurapika who were off doing their own thing. "I'm staying with you two for now, is that okay?"

Kurapika and Leorio nod in acknowledgement. "Did something happen that made you want to come over here?" Kurapika asks.

"Yeah but I don't care to get into it...I just don't think I'll be hanging out with Killua for a bit." I answered.

"Are Killua and Gon arguing?" Leorio asks, pointing over at the two boys.

I nod, "it's about what Killua did."

"Ah okay."

I watched the two in the distance continue to argue, it seemed like neither were giving up on the issue. Oh well.

Romantic Lover(Killua X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now