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Last chapter of book one!! Shout out to those finding the original book one and still commenting on the last chapter lol


My shoes tapped against the ground as I followed the gravel trail that leads to Tallulah Village. I hummed a soft tune as I carried on. A smile was present on my face.

I was excited.

If you had asked me a few hours ago if I was ready to go back home, I would have said no and cried. But now that I'm away from that environment and back to something familiar, I'm getting excited.

I didn't realize how much I missed this old trail. When I was growing up, B/N, Ram and I would walk this path every Saturday morning right before the sun would rise. We would pack a bag full of things we could need like snacks, bandaids, water bottles and more. We would stay along the path until noon time and then come back just in time for a late lunch.

I finally saw the village in sight after hours of walking. I picked up my pace and started to run towards the village.

Home sweet home!

I ran towards Sweets & Breads with a pep in my step, until I finally arrived. I walked in as the bell overhead rang as I saw my sister lazily playing on her phone, one blink away from falling asleep. "This is why I run the front while you run the back." I say.

She lazily looks at me before her eyes widen and she sits up straight, "how are you alive?!" She screams, "how did you not die?!"

"Were you hoping that I did?!" I counter.

"No...yes...maybe a little." She says with a shrug. "I can't believe you're back though! You were gone for so long, I need you to tell me everything!"

I give a nervous smile and nod. "Ram, please be quiet. Your brother is—," my mother then steps out from behind the kitchen pathway with wide eyes, "Y/N?!" She exclaims once her eyes are on me. She rushes passthe counter and engulfs me in a tight hug, "my baby! You're back." She kisses me on the top of the head and then pulls away, "I was so worried that—what happen to your face?!"

"I tripped." I half lied.

"Tripped over what?" My mother asks skeptically.

I smile. "A rock!"

"I wanna hear everything you have to say. Actually, we're gonna close up shop for the day since you're back!" My mother says as she skips over to the shop door and locks the door, taking the open sign down as well.

"Finally!" Ram groans as she stretches and gets up from where she was sitting.

"Let's go to the living room and talk. Come, come." My mother ushers me behind the counter, pass the kitchen and into the living. She practically throws me onto the couch as she takes a seat in the chair that faces me. Ram sits beside me. "Tell me."

"Uh, wow, okay where do I even begin?" I ask myself. "Well, when I left I went straight to Zeban City and met a Hunter who helped me find the site location. After that, I entered the exam and got an ID and I also met a boy."

"A boy?" My mom raises a brow.

"Yeah!" I smile, "he's super cool! And he's almost like a cat!"

"A cat?"

"A-And his hair looks so soft, despite me not touching it. And his eyes, they're such a pretty ocean blue color. B-But he's just pretty in general so I can't believe his family beats him." I ramble on until I hear my mother interrupt.

"Huh?! They beat their child?! Do I need to call child protective services?!" She exclaims.

I laugh, "no. I mean, probably." As if you don't low key abuse my brother. "But the family probably wouldn't get charged or anything."

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