York New, What A Town!

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Someone plz get the reference *sobbing*


I let out a breath as I stepped into York New City. I held the straps of my bag with a bright smile on my face as I took in my surroundings. There were so many new faces, smells, sounds and so much more stimuli than what I wasn't used to. It was a bit overwhelming, but I was excited none the less.

I had left Tallulah Village early that morning, just before sun rise since the travel would be long. I found myself growing hungry, and my stomach practically begging me to eat. By the time I arrived in York New it was around noon time and I knew I had to meet up with the boys soon.

A small snack wouldn't hurt. I think to myself as I spot a small cafe called Chiffon Cafe.

I walk into the cafe to be met with the smell of vanilla and coffee. The inside was cozy with a few tables and chairs about. There were fairy lights strewn around which created a soft and warm feeling. Thankfully there wasn't anybody in line despite the place being jammed packed with people.

"Hello! Welcome to Chiffon Cafe, what can I get you today?" The girl behind the counter greets with a smile. I placed my order and gave the girl the required amount of jenny to pay. "Alright! We'll have your order ready in just a few minutes."

I said thanks and walked off as I got a text from Killua saying that they were at the auction streets. After a few minutes, they hollered my name saying that my order was ready. I ate my snack, noting that it was decent as a older lady walked up to me with curiosity. "Excuse me, are you lost?"

I looked at the older woman, "no ma'am. Well, kinda?"

"Where's is your parents at?" She asks.

"Oh, I'm here alone. But don't worry, I'm old enough to be on my own. Plus, I can take care of myself. But do you know where the York New Auction is?"

"Why does a youngen like you want to gamble their life away?" She continues.

"I just have some things to take care of." I simply respond, "but do you know where the auction is?"

She nods and tells me where the auction is located. I thank the lady as she smiles and walks off as I finish up my snack. After I got done, I threw my trash away and headed towards the location.

I knew I was getting closer to the auction when I heard loud chatter and the roads became more crowded. I paused in my steps in awe, "woah..!" I pulled my bag closer to me a bit, "time to find the boys and not get distracted."

I walked through the roads as people screamed at me to buy their unwanted and valuable items from their booths. I was walking and minding my own business, trying to find the boys until I heard a clerk scream about dream catchers. I walked over and looked at the dream catchers curiously.

There were many type of dream catchers. Some of them were small and others were larger. "See anything you'd like?" The clerk asks me.

"I'm just browsing right now." I say.

"Well let me know if you find something." The clerk then went back to screaming about their item as I observed. There were different dream catchers in all sorts of sizes, colors and shapes.

My eyes eventually landed on a small blue one with feathers hanging below as well as colored beads within the catcher. "Excuse me, I'd like this one!" I say as I hold up the dream catcher.

The clerk looks at the dream catcher and nods, "sure. That'll be 15 jenny."

I pull out my wallet and give the correct amount before putting the dream catcher into bag. I then move on to find the boys once more, only to stop again at another booth selling small crochet stuffed animals. There were plenty of different ones in all types of animals, ranging from mammals to reptiles to underwater to dinosaurs. I sighed as I once again had to stop and buy something else.

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