The Hunter's Exam!

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Markiplier is literally so pretty...ANYWAY YA BOI IS IN THIS ONE🤩🥳


The sun sat high in the sky as I walked around Zanban City, it was a lot cooler here than back home. The buildings were tall and huge, it was mesmerizing to look at. My clothes didn't help me any due to my clothing being all black.

Zanban City was so big and I just knew that there wouldn't be any signs pointing to the location of the Hunter's Exam, they wouldn't just give out that information so easily.

I took a deep breath and walked up to one of the civilians, "excuse me sir?"

The man turns around and looks at me, "what is it little lady? Where are your parents?" He asks, glancing around for any sign of my family.

"I'm actually here by myself. I was wondering if you knew where the Hunter's Exam was. I'm taking it," I proudly say.

"Ah okay, sure, follow me." He gestures me to follow him and leads me over to a small restaurant. He notices my confused look but simply laughs and we walk in.

The restaurant held a few people, not too many though. "Hello, what can I get you?" The chef asks us.

"A steak." The man beside me states.

The chef raises a brow, "and how would you like that done?"

"Slow and rare." The man beside me answers as the chef nods and tells us where to go.

I follow the man beside me towards the back of the restaurant and over to a door. The man opens it and inside is a table with a few chairs around it. "Hey, how did you know where the exam was?"

"Oh, I'm a Hunter myself."

"Really?!" My eyes widen. "How many times did you take it?"

"Three." He answers.

"Was it hard?"

"You bet it was. Anyway, it was nice meeting you and I hope for your success with it. See ya." The man waves goodbye and shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room.

I walk over and sit down in one of the chairs as the room slightly shakes, the sign above the door changing ever so slowly. "Oh so this place is an elevator." I sat there quietly for the rest of trip, thinking about what was to come from the exam. I knew I would get nervous once the exam truly started, but for now, I was pretty calm.

The elevator finally stopped as I stood up and walked over to the doors. The doors open to reveal a large underground tunnel filled with people. These must be all the participants so far.

"You here for the Hunter's Exam?" I look to see a short Bean?

I nod, "yes sir."

He smiles and nods, "here take this. Make sure you don't lose it." I take the pin he gives me and read over the number as he walks off, number 100.

I attach the pin to my shirt as a new voice calls out to me, "hey there." I looked to see where the voice had come from, it was a from a man wearing blue clothes, a pin attached to his shirt with the number 16 on it. "The name's Tonpa." He greets as I take a small step back.

"Y/N..." I answer.

"No need to be so shy! We're friends now!" Tonpa exclaims, "I can tell you about the people here so that we trust each other more." He smirks and points over to someone, I follow him to see him pointing to a man with red-purple hair with a pink star and blue tear drop on his face. "Watch out for number 44. That's Hisoka the Magician."

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