Adventures Beyond The Gate

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A/N: 3k words...oh lord


"Thank you for choosing Lamentation Tours today! We'll be making our way towards Kukuroo Mountain which is home to the famous assassin family, the Zoldyck family. And if you'll look over on your right you'll see Kukuroo Mountain!"

I looked out the window from where I sat beside Gon to see a giant mountain off in the distance. "A forest surrounds the mountain that is 3,772 meters high, and it's said that the Zoldyck estate is somewhere up on that mountain, however nobody has actually seen it. The Zoldyck family includes ten members: a great grandfather, grandfather, grandmother, mother, father and five children."

Finally we reached the top of the mountain where we were met with a great gate. "This is the front of gate to the Zoldyck estate, also known as the Door of Hades. It is called this because anyone who enters never returns alive. In order to enter, you must bypass security. But the area on the other side of the gate is strictly private property so we can not proceed." The tour guide explains.

"Wait, this is just the front gate?! But the mountain is all the way up there!" Leorio exclaims.

"The Zoldyck's own Kukuroo Mountain."

"So this whole area is their front yard?" Gon questions before looking at the tour guide, "I've got a question...what do we have to do to get inside?"

"Were you even listening? If you go in you will die." The tour guide repeats.

"I wonder if they get half the money earned during these tours." I think aloud.

"I wouldn't think they would." Kurapika replies.

"Maybe I can ask—."

"What a shame! A family of assassins that nobody has ever seen." One of the people who was on the tour bus says.

"I bet just a picture of their faces would be worth millions." The other one says.

"Really?! Ugh, I should have taken a picture of Killua!" Leorio complains.

The two men approach the security check and demand that the security guard opens the gates. The man applies and gives them the key to open the gates. Not even a minute later loud screams are heard as a giant paw throws out two skeletons.

The tour group screams and climbs back on the bus in a panic and leave just as quickly as they came.

"He's only supposed to eat at assigned times." The security guard sighs.

Sunset finally rolls around as the security guard takes us inside the small house where he serves us tea and we explain why we're here. "I'm happy to hear that. I've worked here for about twenty years but this is the first time any friends have come to visit. I shouldn't say this but, this place is very lonely. Nobody visits but we have plenty of those types."

I pick up my tea cup from the table and take a sip of the hot tea. It burns my throat but overall it's really good. "A family of assassins is unusual, but I'm glad you're here. Thank you. However, I can not let you inside. You saw the giant paw earlier right? His name is Mike and he is the families watchdog. It only obeys the family and will attack anyone else. The beast follows orders that it's master gave it over ten years ago. He is only supposed to kill them, but he ends up eating them instead which isn't apart of the orders. Anyway like I said, I can't let you go in. I wouldn't want young master Killua's friends being stripped down to mere bones."

"Sir, how are you safe? If you never needed to enter then you wouldn't have a key." Kurapika speaks up.

"I require no key to get in. The key you saw earlier is just for intruders. But as you've realized, I am not a guard. I am a janitor who cleans up after Mike."

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