Lynn let out a heavy sigh, "Okay, please just stop. Look, I get it. I'm a crappy person. Past already made that loud and clear, but is what I did or possibly going to do really that bad? Because there are worse people in this world. Even you have to agree to that."

"First off, you can't talk your way out of this LJ. Second, that is true. There are worse people in this world than you, but also far better people as well. There are people who have so much warmth in their hearts that they show kindness to kids who are not even theirs. Let me show you," Blaine said.

Lynn sighed again, "Okay, but can you please scale yourself down to normal human size? It's way too intimidating when you're a giant. I'll listen to what you say and what you'll show, but can you please be normal human size? That's not too much to ask," Lynn requested as she was still dangling by her shirt held up by Blaine's giant fingers.

Blaine stared at her for a while before shrugging, "Fair enough. As you wish."

With a snap of his fingers, he was reduced to an average height of 6'5. He was still intimidating with his big muscles, but it was much better than being a twenty-foot-tall giant.

"Better?" Blaine asked.

Lynn nodded as she stood and straightened her shirt, "Yes, thank you."

"Good, now let's go."

They walked and arrived at Clyde's house. Inside, Lynn saw Lincoln with Clyde and his two dads. Lincoln received a warm welcome from Mr. & Mr. McBride. Lynn watched as they helped him with his homework, made dinner for him and Clyde, and even fixed the soles of his shoes and gave him a good haircut. Lynn gave a confused look with a raised eyebrow.

She turned to Blaine, "Uh, I don't get it. What are we doing here? Why am I seeing this?"

"Look closer. Observe," Blaine replied.

Lynn looked back and did as instructed while Blaine explained, "Like many kids that are either neglected or orphans, they develop parent figures – father figures and/or mother figures. Lincoln has had a hard time getting attention from his family in a house with ten sisters. So, he found attention from people that are more than willing to give him some. See how Lincoln is more open and engaging with Clyde and his dads? Notice how Clyde's dads show real care and interest in Lincoln's life and how his day was? Small things like that make up for the big things. They make others feel appreciated, like they matter. How often did Lincoln get that from his family or you? How often did you make him feel like he mattered?"

Lynn looked back at him and didn't have an answer. The dreadful fact that Lincoln feels neglected that he would reach out to another family for care filled Lynn with guilt and shame. She turned back to Lincoln to see how animated he was with the McBride's. Lynn's heart ached with longing as she saw the joy on Lincoln's face and as she listened to his laugh.

"Buuuut . . . what does that matter to you, am I right? I mean, who the fuck cares about him?" Blaine asked.

Those words triggered a red-hot rush of anger overflowing Lynn as her eyes twitched, her fists clenched, and her teeth gritted. She turned to face Blaine with murder in her eyes, but he looked unimpressed.

"After all, he's just a jinx. Nothing more than bad luck, right?" Blaine questioned.

Then light orbs appeared in front of Lynn, showing her calling Lincoln bad luck and telling everyone that he was a jinx. Lynn's anger slowly vanished as, one by one, each of the family members was convinced and thus treated Lincoln poorly like a pariah. The words 'jinx' echoed through her head. Lynn's heart rate quickened, and her eyes widened as she panted.

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