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Ricky wasn't jealous often because he always got what he wanted.

When he was seven, ricky was really into airplanes. For a couple of years, he even wanted to be a flight attendant. Ricky wanted to experience what it was like on a plane so, his dad bought him his own private jet at seven years old.

Ricky still uses that jet today but whatever ricky wanted he got. But he couldn't get gyuvin.
When ricky saw that post he was jealous. Why couldn't that be him in that picture?

For the past few days, the lemonade stand was pretty uneventful. They would make like a hundred bucks, then go home. It wasn't much after splitting it between everyone, but it was something.

Ricky hadn't shown up for the last few days. Honestly, gyuvin was looking forward to seeing ricky again so they could talk. For the past couple of days, gyuvin had gotten up early and made some strawberry lemonade.

He wasn't gonna sell the pink lemonade to anyone other than ricky. But ricky never showed. He didn't even see ricky around campus.

So every day when he went home and dumped out the strawberry lemonade, he felt disappointed.

"Maybe he'll come tomorrow!" Gyuvin thought.

Today gyuvin had prepared some pink lemonade and was hoping ricky would show up. Although deep down he already knew ricky probably wouldn't come.

"It's pretty slow today huh?" Yujin said to gyuvin.

"Mmh yeah, I think there's an art festival on campus. Everyone must be there."

"I have class in ten minutes! Hanbin better hurry up for his shift!" yujin sighed.

"Hanbin is probably off somewhere making out with Hao." gyuvin smirked.

As if on cue, yujin saw a few boys in the distance.

Yujin packed his bags and ran out of there, screaming something along the lines of "I'm gonna be late!"

Gyuvin sighed but immediately lit up when he saw a familiar blonde.

Much to ricky's protest, he was dragged along with hanbin and zhanghao to the lemonade stand. Hanbin needed to go for his shift and hao wanted to walk with him a little longer.

Ricky was just third-wheeling them.

Ricky really didn't want to go to the lemonade stand. He just didn't want to see gyuvin. He couldn't see gyuvin after that Instagram picture.

He was gonna kill zhanghao later.

"You better go talk to gyuvin and figure out who that girl is or I'm ripping his head off" zhanghao whispered to ricky.

Ricky groaned.

"Hey hanbin hyung! Zhanghao hyung!" Gyuvin paused.

"Hi ricky hyung..!" Gyuvin gave him a sheepish smile.

"Hey.." Ricky said awkwardly.

To break the awkward tension, gyuvin remembered the pink lemonade he'd be saving for him.

"Ricky! Look what I have for you!" Gyuvin held out a cup.

Strawberry Lemonade ; GyurickyWhere stories live. Discover now