"What were you dreaming about?" Beyoncé asked.

"..um nothing." I said and ate some of my food.

"When you sleep talk, it's a way to express yourself in an unfiltered way. You might use sleep talking to announce your intentions and manifest what you desire." She said while she poured her smoothie into a glass cup. "And you've also zoned out multiple times yesterday. What's been on your mind love?"

Damn, what doesn't she know?

"I-I um..." I didn't know what to say.

"I've also noticed, you aren't able to keep eye contact when you're speaking to me. That's a part of communication skills, eye contact shows that you are listening and focused on the person you're having a conversation with." Beyoncé said.

I drank some of my orange juice. "Sorry.."

"Why do you apologize so much? You didn't do anything." Beyoncé said.

"I don't. It's just..." I sighed. "Never mind. I think it's time for me to go home now."

Beyoncé squinted her eyes at me. "Okay. Let me grab my purse and car keys."

I need some time away from her. Though we just met, I find myself constantly dreaming and pondering about her. I even unconsciously mentioned her name while asleep, which is embarrassing. I don't like feeling this way.

We got in the car and she pulled out of her garage. "Beyoncé.." I said.

"Yes?" She stopped the car and looked at me. "You forget something?" She asked.

"No. I'm not gonna be able to do any work for a few days." I said.

"Is it because you have to shoot a music video?" She asked.

"I have a lot on my mind and I need space." I said.

"We have only dedicated 3 days to your education so far. The more you delay, the longer it will take for you to become fully prepared for college." Beyoncé stated.

I started to cry. "Please... I need a few days."

After removing the keys from the engine, Beyoncé gently wiped my tears away and shifted my head so that I could face her. "Why are you crying?"

"I can't tell you, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I'm sorry I really am, I'm just overwhelmed with a lot." I said while crying.

After locking eyes with me, Beyoncé proceeded to touch my leg and softly caress it. She expressed, "Don't allow your mental struggles to overpower you. Despite our limited acquaintance, I genuinely care for you and all the students I work with. My affection for you is unconditional. Remember that my home is always open to you, regardless of the circumstances. If you ever require a late-night confidante, feel free to reach out. I will respect your boundaries to ensure you never feel obligated in any way."

My heart started racing because her hand was touching me. I felt a sensation in my vagina, it felt so good. I started shaking my legs trying to shake off the feeling but it wasn't working.

"Why are you shaking your legs?" Beyoncé asked.

"Please move your hand." I said while squeezing my eyes shut. She moved her hand and turned the car back on. She took me home and I ran into my room and locked the door behind me.

I took off my clothes and laid on my bed.

I stimulated myself and roughly rubbed on my clit. My mind was occupied by thoughts of Beyoncé throughout the entire time, an irresistible urge I had no control over. I believe I am developing strong feelings for her. I don't know why but whenever I am in her presence, I find it difficult to concentrate.

"Mmmmmhh." I moaned.

I stuck two fingers in and went fast. "Ahhh... fuck!!" I moaned. "Beyoncé I wish you were here.. mmmmhhh I know you can fuck good. Ughhhnmmmm!!"

Her boobs sit so pretty, seeing her without a bra shocked me but damn she has a perfect body. I don't even like girls, but she's different. "Shiiiitttt.." I moaned as I felt myself getting ready to cum.

After this, I'm gonna try not to think about her anymore. I have a man and I want to keep him.

"Ohshiitttt ahhhhh!!!!!" I moaned. I went faster and faster. "Aaaahhhhhhmmmm fuck!!!"

As I came I took my fingers out, squeezed my legs together and arched my back.

"Ughh I need her so bad..." I said to myself.

Falling for my tutor Where stories live. Discover now