Chapter 15 : Uncovering Secrets

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(A/N) : Hi guys, I really took time in making the next chapter. Because I was caught in plot itself. I had lots of lose thread that I wanted to combine in the story back and just got few ideas to go with this.

Taehyung, Jimin, and Bogum sat together in a dimly lit room, their eyes fixed on the enigmatic artifact that had been gifted to the Blue Moon pack by the Red Moon pack. It was an ornate, otherworldly object, pulsating with an eerie energy that left them all feeling unsettled.

"I can't believe the Red Moon pack got their hands on something like this," Jimin muttered, his fingers hovering above the artifact but not daring to touch it. "It's... it's almost otherworldly."

Bogum, who had been diligently researching the origins of the artifact, nodded in agreement. "I've been digging for information, and it's not easy to come by. But I did manage to find something intriguing."

Taehyung leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What did you find, Bogum?"

Bogum cleared his throat before speaking. "This artifact was created by witches from the Dark Forest of the Ruin Mountains, which is near the Red Moon pack territory. It's said to possess powerful magic, but its exact purpose and capabilities are shrouded in mystery."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed in thought. "So, the Red Moon pack came to us for help because they knew we had magic users who could potentially counteract this artifact."

Bogum nodded. "It seems that way. They might have realized that the artifact poses a threat, and they're willing to cooperate with us to investigate its origins and purpose."

Jimin chimed in, his expression serious. "But why all the secrecy? Why didn't they just tell us about the artifact and their concerns openly?"

Taehyung leaned back in his chair, contemplating the situation. "I think they have their reasons for keeping this under wraps. Perhaps they're not entirely sure who can be trusted within their own pack. Or maybe they fear that the artifact's power could fall into the wrong hands."

Bogum added, "It's also possible that they don't want to create panic among their pack members. This artifact is not something to be taken lightly."

Taehyung drummed his fingers on the table, deep in thought. "Regardless of their reasons, we need to take this seriously. We should assemble our magic users and see if they can analyze the artifact's magic. If the Red Moon pack is genuinely seeking our help, then we should reciprocate."

Jimin nodded, his eyes reflecting determination. "I agree. We should also start discreetly investigating the Dark Forest of the Ruin Mountains. If this artifact was created there, we might find clues about its purpose and any potential threats."

Taehyung glanced between his two trusted advisors, a sense of responsibility settling on his shoulders. "Let's get to work, then. We'll contact our magic users and begin the analysis of the artifact. And Bogum, continue your research on the Dark Forest. We need answers."

As they set their plans into motion, Taehyung couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. The artifact was a mystery, a powerful one, and he was determined to unravel its secrets to protect his pack.

After their intense discussion about the mysterious artifact, Taehyung, Jimin, and Bogum decided to take a well-deserved break.

They retreated to a cozy corner of the Blue Moon pack's lodge, each of them holding a cold bottle of beer. The soft glow of the firelight created a warm and inviting atmosphere.

With the weight of pack matters momentarily lifted, they turned to more personal topics of conversation. Taehyung, always the curious one, decided to dive into Jimin's personal life, which had recently taken a delightful turn.

"So, Jimin," Taehyung began with a mischievous grin, "I hear you've been quite busy in the love department lately."

Jimin's cheeks flushed, and he laughed nervously. "Oh, you heard about that?"

Bogum, equally curious, chimed in. "Heard? Jimin, it's practically pack gossip now. You and Yoongi are all anyone can talk about."

Jimin couldn't help but smile, his heart feeling lighter as he thought of his mate. "Yeah, Yoongi and I, we've been... really good together."

Taehyung leaned forward, his eyes filled with genuine interest. "Tell us more. How did you two spend time together ?"

Jimin's face lit up as he recounted the story. "It was after pack gathering, we just clicked. Yoongi is quiet and reserved, and I'm more outgoing, so we balance each other out perfectly."

Bogum raised an eyebrow. "Opposites attract, huh?"

Jimin nodded. "Exactly. We're different in many ways, but it just works for us. He's incredibly talented with music, and he even played the piano for me on our second date."

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "That sounds romantic. What's he like, Jimin?"

Jimin's smile grew wider as he thought of Yoongi. "He's... well, he's a bit of a grump on the surface, but deep down, he's sweet and caring. He's an amazing listener and always knows how to make me laugh. And his love for music is infectious. I've never met anyone quite like him."

Bogum leaned back, taking a sip of his beer. "It sounds like you're really happy, Jimin."

Jimin nodded, his eyes filled with contentment. "I am. Being with Yoongi feels right, like we were meant to be together."

Taehyung raised his bottle in a toast. "To Jimin and Yoongi, a perfect match."

They clinked their bottles together, the sound of their laughter and camaraderie filling the room. In that moment, it wasn't about packs or artifacts; it was about the bonds they shared beyond their roles as leaders.

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