Chapter 29 - Shayrow

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     "I really don't see what the fuss over the lordship is about," Shayrow said, leading the way around another corner in the hallways. "My grandfather was a lord, but my uncle is the one that officially inherited the title 'coz he's the eldest. I don't have any direct ties to the lordship myself."

     "Weeeellllll... Technically you don't," Luss said, falling into step with Shayrow so they were walking side-by-side. "But this stuff is always more complicated than 'direct inheritance' or whatever. I mean, let's say that Tashloc abdicates before Korab is of age to inherit the lordship. If your uncle passes on the title before Tashloc officially renounces it, the title would rightfully belong to whoever's bloodline ties them closest—which, in this case, is you."

     "That's likely why the family is currently at a stalemate," Shayrow remarked, turning the last corner and slowing as they approached the massive doors at the end of the hall. "My uncle has been holding onto the lordship despite Tashloc being old enough to receive it. They're probably just waiting for Korab to be of age."

     "Hm." Luss shoved his hands in his pockets. "Soooo... Just where have you taken me?"

     "I figured that if you like to read, it would be worth showing you the library," Shayrow said, pushing the doors open.

     The library was one of the largest spaces in the manor, as well as one of the tallest. A massive bookshelf-encased column was in the center of the room, reaching all the way up to the domed ceiling. Every wall was covered in books, and there were at least twenty shelves that created aisles on either side of the open floor that surrounded the column. Several armchairs were scattered throughout the room, as well as a few sofas and a chaise lounge in the far corner.

     "Holy shit," Luss breathed, staring in wonder at the massive shelves.

     Shayrow couldn't help but grin as Luss bolted to the nearest shelf to run his fingers along the spines of the books, testing whether or not they were real. Confirming that they were in fact real books, Luss spun around to face Shayrow, his eyes sparkling with glee.

     "Shay," he said, his expression suddenly turning somewhat serious, "Are you trying to woo me or something?—'cuz it's working."

     A laugh escaped Shayrow.

     "Think of it as part of my apology," he said. "I'm sure you didn't enjoy getting belittled by my uncle."

     "Meh." Luss shrugged. "Not your fault he doesn't like me."

     "I still could have said something in your defense."

     "Yeah, you could've." Luss wandered over to another shelf and started loading books into his arms.

     Shayrow stifled a sigh.

     He had been planning on showing Luss the library before supper, but the merchant had disappeared during the earlier conversation with Tashloc, and Shayrow hadn't gotten the chance to mention it.

     The library had always been a special place for Shayrow, as it was one of the few places that he could go whenever he didn't want to think about swords or fighting.

     The first time Shayrow had taken refuge in the library after a particularly grueling day of training, his father had found him and accused him of wasting his time on frivolous things.

     "I'm not wasting my time!" Shayrow protested as he watched his father put the confiscated books on a shelf that was out of reach. "I've just been reading, and Tashloc reads all the time—so why can't I?"

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