Chapter 27 - Jelro

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     The group walked in silence for a while. Even the resident animals were quiet as they rode along in Jelro's bag and—in Liaj's case—on his shoulder. Even Refi was quieter than usual as she waddled along next to him.

     Jelro tried to think of ways to diffuse the situation, but he eventually decided that everyone needed some time to let the tension subside on its own.

     It was when they reached the main hub of the town that Jelro finally felt a need to break the silence—but for a more practical reason.

     "Are we all in agreement to spend the night here?" he carefully inquired.

     No one objected.

     "Al'right, then we had better find an inn--"

     "Actually," Shayrow hastily interjected, "I had a place in mind that we should be able to spend the night—if that isn't a problem."

     "Well, you did grow up here, so you would know best," Jelro said. "Is that all right with everyone?" he prompted.

     Everyone gave vague signs of agreement—including the resident animals.

     "Y'know," Luss said after they had been walking for a few minutes, "I think I understand why you were never allowed out here after dark, Shay."

     "What do you mean?" the dhampyr asked.

     "Well, first of all, there aren't really any lights out here," Luss said, counting off on his fingers, "The area seems pretty sketchy in general, and there're tons of places where you could easily get kidnapped."

     Jelro could see what Luss was talking about. Despite having grown up in fairly deep waters, he was used to towns being constantly lit up by lanterns—and bioluminescent creatures.

     The only lights in the current vicinity were the dimly glowing windows of the shops that were still open.

     "Well, there is a large dhampyr population here," Shayrow pointed out. "We don't need much light to see, so perhaps that's why there isn't much light out here. But I can't say I've heard of there being any sort of kid--" He broke off as a man rounded the corner and ran directly into him. "Ah—my apologies. Are you all right?"

     The man jumped back, and his expression suddenly snapped from gloomy to eager.

     "Ah!" he exclaimed. "Would you happen to be a swordbearer?" He pointed to the sheathed blade at Shayrow's hip.

     "Yes?" Shayrow put a hand on the hilt of his sword. "Why do you ask?"

     "Oh, that's just perfect! You see, I was actually just looking for a skilled swordbearer to help me out with something, and you look like you fit the bill perfectly! Please, if you would just come with me, I can explain the details on the way..."

     "Er." Shayrow took a step back. "I appreciate the thought, but we're not--"

     "Nonsense!" The man seized the dhampyr's elbow. "You're just the sort of fresh face we could use--"

     "Hold up, bud." Luss pushed his way to the front of the group. "Why don't you tell us a bit more about this underground fighting ring you're trying to drag us to, huh?"

     The man flinched.

     "I-I don't know what you--"

     "Don't bother," Luss coolly interrupted. "None of us are interested in fighting your little off-duty spunters to the death. Or do you want another incident like the one that lost you Sonifoe?"

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