"But how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.

"I'll do it" both Cassie and Glenn said at the same time causing them to turn to each other "No I will" they said again at the same time. "Shut up!"

This then resulted in both Daryl and Maggie going "No" to the pair.

"Rick just let me do the run" Cassie sighed going over to her twin brother knowing he'd listen to her "Golden medal track runner over here" she pointed out. Rick knew she was much faster than him so with a sigh he nodded.

"Fine Cassie runs for the gate, Glenn,Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there, pop them through the fence" Rick then directed all the others to their positions to keep cover for Cassie as she ran to the gate.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Daryl standing slightly awkwardly with made Cassie smile. "Just be careful alright" he knew he wasn't going to be able to convince her otherwise so instead just wanted to make sure she would stay safe.

"I will be" she told him kissing his cheek before Daryl made his way to his own tower. Glenn came over and gave Cassie something to shut the gate with before she positioned herself beside the gate and got ready to run.

She had a silenced pistol in one hand and the the makeshift lock in the other as she made her way up the gravel path hearing the group getting the walkers attention and shooting them down from behind her.

When she turned at one point a walker was right behind her before a bolt went through its forehead causing Cassie to sigh in relief and keep running. A few moments later a shot fired right in front of her making her stop her running to look up at Carol who shouted a "Sorry!" before she kept running.

Once she reached the gate she closed it up and ran up to a tower hearing someone from the group shout "She made it" causing Cassie to smile. She got up to her tower signalling over to Daryl that she was ready and the group could take out all the other walkers in the field without having to worry about hitting her.

"We did it!" Cassie cheered from her position at the top of the field as the others came everyone happy about all the new open space they had where they were safe for now.


At night time the group sat around a small campfire eating their dinner which consisted of some squirrel Daryl had hunted earlier. Rick had decided to skip dinner and instead was doing a permittee check of the whole fence. Cassie noticed he hadn't stopped after going round once and knew her twin needed to clear his head.

She saw a small plate of food left untouched and went to grab it. "I'll take this to Daryl" she told Carol who had left it their knowing the blonde women would end up going over to him. She smiled to the others as she made her way down the gravel path quickly.

Once she reached the overturned school bus Daryl was keeping watch on she put the plate up first before hoisting herself up Daryl giving her a helping hand as she did.

"I know it's not much but I got to make sure your eating or you never will" Cassie joked slightly crossing her arms over her chest. Even with her red leather jacket Daryl got her all those months ago she still got chilly at nights.

"Yeah I guess little Shane's got a big appetite" Daryl said as he picked up some squirrel meat.

"Don't say that!" Cassie scolded him shoving his arm gently but she couldn't help the laughter that escaped her at his joke. Cassie's eyes made their way to Rick who was still doing his permitter check for what could possibly be the fourth time. "He's gotten us so far. That's something Shane never could have done"

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now