010, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10

Start from the beginning

Gale just sniffed, memories of Dewey and herself coming into her mind that usually made her happy. "He helped people. I should've stopped him." Gale muttered, trying not to cry as she remembered why Dewey loved his old job. "If you had my sister would be dead." Sam told her, trying to cheer Gale up a tiny bit. Gale just looked up at Sam, a nurse calling for her to explain that Tara was awake again. Sam walked away, another person arriving and it was Sidney, who was Lisa's cousin but she called her Auntie because it was easier since Dewey felt like a dad, and Gale felt like her mom.

"I came as soon as I heard." Sidney exclaimed, just wanting Gale and Lisa safe since they didn't have Dewey any more. "I'm so sorry." Sidney told her, Gale slowly getting up as she didn't want to wake Lisa to go and hug Sidney. "You shouldn't be here." Gale mumbled, stepping away from the hug. "You and Lisa shouldn't either." Sidney retorted, looking towards her younger cousin. "Mark and the kids are okay?" Gale asked, seeing Sidney having tears in her eyes. "Yeah, they're safe for now. I'm here to make sure of that." Sidney explained, looking Gale in the eyes.

"Come here." Sidney stated, pulling Gale in for another hug as she really needed it. Sidney just sighed as both her and Gale headed to where Lisa was lying. Gale just sat on the right side of Lisa, Sidney of the girls left as they both comforted each other as they lost some one who was so important.

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Sam was wheeling Tara out of the hospital, Richie walking beside her. "That's her?" Sidney questioned, not knowing who was Sam. "Yeah." Gale stated, running her head through Lisa's blonde hair since she had just only woken up from her short nap. "Samantha?" Sidney questioned, making sure she had the right person. "It's Sam." She corrected, stopping her wheeling to see Sidney. "I'm..." Sidney started but got cut off by Sam. "I know who you are." Sam established, looking at her.

"I hope you're okay." Sidney tells Tara, the latter smiling up at her in appreciation. "Listen, I'm sorry...." Sam stated, now her turn to get cut off. "You're Billy's daughter." Sidney stated, never knowing Billy actually had a kid until Gale and Lisa brung it up. "Uh, we'll bring the car around." Richie told Sam, seeing how the conversation was getting awkward. "Yeah, I'm his daughter. I'm sorry if that's weird for you." Sam told her, looking over Sidney's face for any sign of discomfort.

Sidney just shook her head, telling Sam that it was ok and not weird at all. "I've been through this, a lot. You wanna talk?" Sidney asked, knowing how it felt. "I appreciate it and I'm really sorry about Dewey." Sam tells the older woman, knowing Dewey was really special to her as well as both Gale, and Lisa. "But I'm taking my sister away from all of this." Sam told Sidney, looking her dead in the eyes with a cold glare.

Sam just walked away, pushing the doors to the hospital open to exit. Sidney just looked back at Gale and Lisa, who was now on her phone texting Amber about picking her up for Wes' party. Sidney just followed Sam, trying to speak with her as Gale followed after her best friend. Lisa just sighed before getting up and following them outside since Amber said she could pick her up and take her to her house. "I tried running too, it doesn't work, it always follows." Sidney exclaimed, as the girl walked to the car park:

"All due respect, that's your lift, not mine." Sam retorted, without looking back at her as she kept on walking, waiting for Richie to pick her up with Tara. "I'm not so sure about that." Sidney warned, as herself, Gale and Lisa knew how it went. "What do you want from me, lady?" Sam asked, not actually knowing who Sidney was at all. "Hey! Watch your tone, new girl." Gale warned Sam, finally stepped into the conversation. "You know how they always say it goes back to the original? Here's the original." Gale admitted, pointing Sidney's way. Lisa stood behind the two adults, waiting for Amber to pick her up.

Sidney just took a deep breath before speaking again. "I want your he,p, because you're wrong. This is your life now which means that who ever this is, is gonna keeep coming for you." Sidney explained, recalling events that happened years ago. "So?" Sam questioned, not understanding what Sidney was trying to tell her. "So I want you to help us kill him." Sidney admitted finally getting her point across. "You want me to help you and the host of a morning show commit murder?" Sam summed up, as that was the only information she had gotten out of the conversation. Gale nodded, a small correct leaving her lips as Sidney agreed.

"And I'm what in this scenario? The bait? The helpless victim?" Sam asked, not really wanting to do it as she just wanted to keep her family safe. "If the shoe fits." Gale trailed off, knowing all their positions if Sam agreed to it. "Your not helpless, Sam. He killer your friend, he killed ours and I have kids, which means I won't sleep until he's in the ground." Sidney reasoned, not wanting Ghostface to hurt any one else. "Look, I'm sorry about what this had to your lives, but no matter what you, or the killer, or anyone says, this isn't my story." Sam announced, as Richie pulled up to her.

Richie just honked the horn a bunch of times to tell Sam that he was there, as Lisa walked over to Sidney and waved at Tara, knowing the girl would be leaving and she wouldn't see her very often. "All right, let's get the tuck outta town, huh?" Richie commented, just wanting to leave so then he could try and kill both Tara and Sam at Amber's party. "Sorry, that my boyfriend, Richie." Sam explained, turning around and getting into the car. "Nice to meet... we've met." Richie started off, cutting himself off as he recalled meeting Gale and Sidney a couple of minutes ago, and Lisa days prior.

"Sam, please get in the car so we never have to see these people again." Richie states, Sam finally getting into the car ad Tara rolled down her window and waved back at Lisa, who started to tear up because she would miss her very much. Sidney tried to talk to Sam again, getting cut off by as Richie drove away. Gale and Sidney talked, walking back to their cars as Lisa stayed outside, waiting for Amber. "You coming?" Gale asked, wanting to know if the younger girl wanted to stay at her place or not. "I'm good, Amber's picking me up and I'm going ti her house." Lisa told them, pointing at Amber's car that pulled up. "I love you, guys!" Lisa shouted at them, blowing them kisses as a goodbye.

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Author note:
Kinda did some at my work! And nearly finished Scream 5!
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