19. Acceptance

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Walking out of the throne room, I couldn't stop the stupid grin from appearing on my face. "How'd it go, κούκλα?" Ares asked, shooting me a guilty smile. "Good, good." I slowly began. Looking towards my mate, who looked even more pale than usual. Even thoughthat wasnt possible.  "They accepted them." I couldn't help the stupid smile from reappearing on my lips as I saw their happy faces.

I moved to my mates sides, glancing between the gods. Trying to see if anyone doesn't approve. To my surprise, they all looked happy, grinning down on me. "Nico." I started placing a hand on my brothers shoulder, "They wanna speak to you too." I smirked at the color draining from his already pale face. "Γαμώ." (Fuck) He whispered, shutting his eyes. "It was nice knowing you." Dio said, to which I slapped his arm, scolding him.

"Lizzie?" A voice asked. Looking up, I see Apollo already looking at me. "Hmm?" I hummed not sure of his expression. He looked... almost sad. "Can we talk?" I nodded, 2alking over to him and taking his langer hand. He let out a sigh, I'm not sure why but he seemed relieved.

As we were a good distance away where not ever vampires could hear us, I asked, "Are you okay, Apollo?" He shook his head slowly, opening his mouth to speak. "I saw your future." Fuck, "What did you see?" I hesitantly whispered out. "You, them. The war. Your plan will work but I want you to wait a bit before then. Trust me?" The information brought another headache, but a pit of worry as well. The war? My mates will not be apart of the war. Why must I wait? "Trust me?" Apollo repeated, looking at me with love in his eyes. "I swear brother." I spoke, bringing him into a hug.

"Can I ask why?" My muffled question, caused hik to tighten his grip on me. "I'm not sure how you will react to the answer, Liz." I nodded. I trust him. "Lizzie dear!" I heard Dionysus yell in his cheery voice. Letting go of Apollo, I shot him a grin before making my way to the window god. "Dio?" I questioned his happy state, he was usually sulking at the solstice as he couldn't drink with the rest. "We need you back at camp for a bit. But I already spoke to your mates about it." I rushed out the second sentence before I could object. "Why?" I frowned. "Well my sweet sister. The camped need training. And who better than the four children of the Big Three and Annabeth to teach them?" He grinned. "Did you miss me that much, Dio?" I teased, "You could have just said that. I'll come, but for how long?" I wanted to ask what my mates said, but I'm not sure I'd like the answer. "Up to you, Lizzie. I know you can't stay away from your mates for too long so I invited them as well!" His words made my small size grow to another stupid smile. "They seem to make you smile a lot again." He commented. "They do. It's idiotic how much I smile nowadays." I sighed, causing the god of wine to laugh out at my statement. "It's good to see your real smile again. I always saw through the fake one, but I didn't want to tell you. You tried so hard to hide your hurt, Elizabeth." He pulled me into a hug.

Squeezing him, I whispered, "I'm scared, Dio." He smiled softly, bringing his hand to trace circles on my back like I now fo Nico. "What if they find out and leave me?" I whispered out, letting a tear run down my cheek. "Then they're more stupid than I thought. Cause if anything, they should comment on how strong you are, Elizabeth. You're so strong, Lizzie. And I'm so proud of you." He whispered in my ear.

"Everything okay?" Athena's voice caused me to flinch. "Lizzie?" She sounded worried. "Mm?" I hummed, not trusting my voice. "Why are you crying, my little worrior?" I squeezed Dio tighter. "Come, let us go for a walk. Dionysus can call the other goddesses. Does that sound okay?" I nodded against the gods chest as he mumbled sweet nothings I my ears. I felt Athena's hand on my shoulder. Quickly, I turned, burying my head in the crook of her neck. "Shh, it's okay, love." She cooed. "I'll call the rest." I felt Athena nod at Dionysus' statement.

"What happened?" Hera rushed to my side, hugging me as Athena stepped back. "Who am I killing?" Arteims coldly asked. "Darling, what is the matter?" Hestia quietly spoke. "Let us go for a walk in the gardens." Aphrodite suggested. "We're too close to the boys." Athena added.

The walk to the was quiet. Hestia and Hera were holding my arms as Athena, Aphrodite, and Artemis spoke a bit ahead of us. "Do you want to talk about it, sweetie?" Hera questioned. "I'm scared." I spoke up, causing all the goddesses' faces to snap towards me. "Howcome?" Hestia whispered. "What if they hate me after finding out what happened to me?" I sighed, tears running down my cheeks once again. "What-" Aphrodite began. "What if they think I'm dirty?" I whimpered out. "Fuck." Arteims sighed, "Dear it wasn't your fault. You didn't want it." She cooed.

"But-" I began before getting cut off by Athena. "Fuck that, if they do then they're stupid. You are not dirty. You're strong. Stronger than me, bloody hell." She ranted out. Bringing me into another hug. "You're so unbelievably strong, my little worrior." She whispered in my ear.

"Lizzie?" I froze at the voice. "Are you okay?" I sighed, looking at the goddesses who looked down and began leaving. Before Artemis left, she walked up to me and said. "Stronger than I." I breathed out. Fresh tears filling my eyes. "I'm fine, dad." I whispered. "Okay." Was all the king of the dead said before picking me up in his arms. "Dad!Put me down." I yelled, kicking my legs, hoping he'd drop me. After he tightened his grip, not enough to hurt me, though, and readjusted himself, I gave up. He walked over to a tree before dropping down to sit, sill with me in his arms. "I said I'm fine." I sighed out. "I know. We're not going to talk about that, princess. We're just going to sit here." He said, looking at me. Sighing, I cuddled closer to him, knowing I wouldn't win this one.

"I'm just worried, dad." I began, rolling my eyes at how his plans always work. "About what princess?" He frowned. "My past." My voice cracked as I took another shaky breath. "Oh, sweetheart." His eyes turned sad, looking at me with such regret. I knew this was a touchy subject for my fathers. That's why I never wanted to talk to them about my concerns. They hated themselves for not finding us sooner. For not being able to find us. "It's not your fault, dad." I spoke, bringing him out of his memories, the way they found me, us. I knew the memories haunted all the gods. It wasn't a pretty sight at all.

"I should have gotten to you all sooner." He shut his eyes, a single tear rolling down. "It wasn't your fault." I sternly said. He nodded, knowing deep down I was right. Even if he didn't see it himself. "I love you, dad." I whispered. "I love you too, my princess."

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