7. Prom

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Prom, the day in every girl's dreams, after their wedding obviously. Today was that horrible day. Isabella was going with Edward, Alice with Jas, Rose with Emmett. Nico was going with me because I couldn't take Carlisle which in my opinion is bullshit. Carlisle is chaperoning so our plan was to dance one dance while everyone else dances with a different chaperone.

After I got discharged from the hospital I spent most of my time with Carlisle, Jas or Rose. If I wasn't with them I was with Emmett. Carlisle had been super protective to the point Emmett and Rose would drive me to school and back. Charlie and I got closer as well seeing as Isabella hardly new he still exists. She was far to busy attempting to get Edward to change her.

Nico had also gotten closer to Charlie which I think is amazing because I have an upcoming quest with Thalia, Percy and Grover. I have brought up the quest to Carlisle and let just say he didn't like that idea at all but what can we do. I was focused on making today somewhat enjoyable and not thinking about the up coming war.

My dress was a black and red backless dress, it was tight and showed off all my curves. Nico was wearing a classic black tux and he looked good. The rest wore their matching outfits and looked amazing as always.

We had gone shopping after Carlisle said I was fully healed and could go back to fighting monsters. Carlisle had taken me on countless date after I recovered as an apology, but after scolding him about it he finally opened up about his worries when it all happened. He said he thought he would lose me and how he was ready to die if it ment being with me. So we then talked more about how Kronos somehow survived Percy's prophecy war thing, and this fucker is coming back again.

Sharing the news got us closer.

Carlisle POV

Today was prom, I know Lizzie doesn't like the idea of going and with all the stress her mission is putting on her I feel we should say home so income spend the moments I have with her. Nico informed me that he was going as well because there has been a spike in the number of monsters. Lizzie despises the idea of him going on this mission and getting hurt.

It was time for the prom and being a chaperone I have to be there a bit earlier than the kids so I'm sitting at one of the tables boredly. After ten minutes the children arrive with their dates along with the rest of the school.

My eye stayed glued to Liz through out the night up until I could dance with her, "May I have this dace?" I ask not caring if it's cliche. Lizzie's blush tells me she didn't mind, "You may love." Her honey like voice replies. We danced, looking into each other's eyes. After the dance finished I heard Liz's whisper, "Can we go home now?"

Her question brings a smile to my face knowing that she only stuck around so that we could dance brings butterflies. I nod knowing most of the kids wanted to leave and I didn't have to be here anymore my shift had ended 30 minutes ago. I lead Lizzie and Nico out as they were the closets to me. We all drove to our house because they were sleeping over or Nico was Liz was spending the night with me. Not in a sexual way though just as in she sleeps and I sit next to her and read.

We all watched the movie Emmett put on. Even though we have all watched ice age millions of times.

This chapter was basically a filler. I'm trying to speed it up so we can meet all her mates.

Who should be Nico's mate?

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