15. The Underworld

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The journey to Dad was interesting, to say the least. The car ride was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the soft music in the background. Nico was driving with his mates in a separate car. Carlisle was in the passenger seat while the kings were at the back. Dead quiet. (get it? I'll shut up now, sry)

The drive took forever despite only being 4 hrs. The silence was broken by Marcus, "So, should we discuss the pressing issue or keep dwelling in this tortuous silence?" He asked to no one in particular. "Let's talk." I hastily answered. Caius chuckled, "Right. What will happen after you finish school?" Jezz straight to the point. "I- don't know yet." "I will move to Volterra if Lizzie wishes and the four of you agree to it." Carlisle stated. His statement of four did not go unnoticed by any of us.

"Do I have to become a vampire?" I questioned, catching them all off guard. "I mean-" Marcus started. "Yes." Aro's voice cut in. His voice held a hit of plea. "If you wish to age and live out your human years, we will not stop you." Marcus finished, sending a glare Aro's way. Caius and Carlisle had been rather quiet when I mentioned it. Looking at them, I see their eyes full of doubt and worry.

"There's something I need to run past you guys." I sighed, their attention shot solely to me. "Later." I whispered, not ready to meet the cruel reality that this may just drive them away. The rest of the drive was filled with small talk or planning for Volterra. Which can never really happen. How was I going to tell them this shit?

When we arrived at the entrance, we were soaking in the silence yet again. It kept me wondering if this will be my life, to sit in awkward silence, and waiting for someone to come up with a solution for the issue. Yet there was none. It was hopeless to even attempt to find an answer. 

Oh gods, help me.

Theo lead us inside, being one of the only 'people' Hades trusts he's the second in command along with Argon. The two remind me of the Weasley twins. The perfect fit, they were each other's person.

Theo leas my mates and I to my room saying that they don't need one as they don't sleep. Argon was with Nico, making me wonder if he was experiencing the same. 

Theo left us shortly after, allowing us to settle in. While I'm sure Nico was, I on the other hand was stuck sitting on my bed like a deer caught in headlights. The four piercing gazes of my mate boared into my skull. I'm almost  sure if they keep staring at me, I'll explode from the intensity.

Aro clears his throat after an excruciating 10 minutes. "Do we move to Volterra or somewhere else?" His question coming out of the blue, like what? "I'm fine with whatever Lizzie chooses." Well, thanks, Carlisle.

"Umm-" I said, " Can I quickly go to my dad?" I ask. Itching to leave and sort my shit out. They nod and I all but sprint out of my room.


Knocking on my dad's door, I hear a faint 'come in', so I enter. Different ways this shit could play out scattered in my mind.

"Can we talk?" The question causing him to let out a deep sigh. "I'm trying Elizabeth, I don't know how to fix it." This is why I'm the closest with Hades, not because he fixes my problems but because he knows what's wrong. He knows me. He took the time to get to know me. "I really like them, dad." My voice cracks as the first set of tears run down my cheeks.

Hades jumped out of his chair, embracing me in a bone crushing hug. "We'll figure it out, sweetheart." His reassurance made me feel better. But deep down i know, the only way I can stop this is by getting Poseidon to agree with my terms. I don't wanna be a goddess if it means leaving my mates. I won't.

Cauis POV

Lizzie has been gone for a while now and none of us have said a word. We haven't even moved. There is clearly something bothering her, yet I have no idea what it is or how to help her. "So how do how do we go about this?" Carlisle asked, seeming to always break the tension.

"What is there we can do if we do not know what's wrong?" Marcus asked. "She doesn't want to become a vampire." Aro stated, ever since her question in the car he had distanced himself. Almost as if preparing for her to leave. "There must be a reason for that, brother." Marcus' voice held a hint of annoyance. "Yes, but what?" I added, not liking where this conversation is going.


What's going to happen next?

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