shes back

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"i hate that because of you i can't love you babe"
-taylor swift, babe

y/n's pov

"are you fucking serious?" i said as i felt a single tear stream down my face.

"y/n, you weren't supposed to be here for another 40 minutes what are you doing here?" malachai asked me while rushing the blonde girl out of the room. he was kissing her. i walked in on my boyfriend kissing a random girl.

"hey don't leave yet, you're a part of this too!" i said to the girl who was trying to leave.

"ava come back, we should all talk." malachai said. how did i not put it together. ava. i can't believe that she's back.

"ava? are you kidding me?" i said. "i can't beleive you would go that low malachai!" i said, full on crying at this point. "first to cheat on me, and with this bitch? you really couldn't think of anyone else?" i yelled. "i can't do this, can we go home?" i whispered to mason and mo as i left the house, flipping them off as i left.

masons pov

mason - mase man 🦦
momona - mo 🫨
mckenna - kenn 🧔🏼‍♀️
aryan - aryan 🇺🇸🦅
walker - walker 🤵‍♂️

y/n fan club 😍

mo 🫨
oh my god you guys aren't gonna believe what
just happened.

kenn 🧔🏼‍♀️
what is it is everything okay?

aryan 🇺🇸🦅
yeah also why aren't you using the main
gc is y/n not allowed to know?

mase man 🦦
it's about y/n

kenn 🧔🏼‍♀️
okay well spit it out then i'm scareddd

walker 🤵‍♂️
wait it's about y/n? is she okay??

mo 🫨
me y/n and mason just walked in on
malachai fully making out with ava

aryan 🇺🇸🦅
are you fr?

walker 🤵‍♂️
i'm gonna fucking kill him.

mase man 🦦
you and me both walker

kenn 🧔🏼‍♀️
ava is such a bitch

mase man 🦦
i really shipped them too

y/n's pov

i was so sad about malachai and ava. i wasn't as mad at them, more mad at myself for trusting him. so many thoughts are going through my head, but one keeps coming back.


"what do you think about momona and mason setting us up here?"

"um..  don't know why they wanted to set us up on a date, we're just close friends right?"


polaroids - walker scobell حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن