"Because it was absolutely annoying to see you two just lusting after each other without really doing anything about it."

"Come on, we couldn't have been that obvious." Yeji said and literally everyone at the table laughed.

"Yes you guys were! Every time one of you didn't look, the other one drooled."

I laughed and tried to change the subject by asking about the next game.

It worked, so I was finally able to lean back against Yeji and relax, feeling her chest vibrate against my back as she talked.

Her arms were around my waist and everything was finally falling into place.


The next two days went by very fast, filled with grueling cheerleading practice, lots of homework and rehearsals. By Tuesday night, everyone on campus had found out about Yeji and I's relationship.

Two years ago, when I was dating Yeji, no one treated me any differently, but right now it seemed to be a big deal to date the captain of the soccer team who was also in a band.

I immediately saw the change when I opened Facebook and received over two hundred new friend requests and notifications. I had also gained over a hundred followers on both Twitter and Instagram.

"What are you doing?" Chaer asked, coming over to sit down.

"Just checking my Facebook."

"I see you're pretty popular now that you're dating captain Yeji."

"Well yeah. That's weird."


"Well, I've gotten five different party invitations this weekend from people I've never seen before in my life."

She smiled.

"I'm so happy for you guys."



"Did she ever come to talk about me?" I asked, closing my Facebook to focus on our conversation.

"Uh, not really. But she talked to Ryan or Zayn."



"Do you know what she talked to them about, what did she ask?"

"Well, not really, but I do know that shee did talked to Ryan once when I was in his bedroom, right after you 'met' with Justin. She was drunk and kept asking what Justin had and didn't. And then she told him how she was in a fake relationship with Soph."

"So you knew?"

"Yes...are you mad at me for not telling you?"

"No." I smiled. "I'm too happy to be mad."

"But be careful."


"People like Yeji... I don't know. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's so cool, but she has a reputation you know. And once she gets drunk, she's not herself."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there are plenty of girls willing to fuck her at the drop of a hat, and if she gets caught drunk, I don't guarantee she'll object to that."

"That would be rape."

"Yes. But still. You love her?"

"Oh. Yes."

She smiled.

"Do you think she loves me?"


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