So, I just sell my soul to Satan? Sounds alright.

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When I opened my eyes again, I was in a cavern. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust as I squinted at my surroundings.

The floor was covered in a thick layer of moss and the walls were covered in crystals that let off a slight glow.

I turned to face the opposite wall. Propped against the wall was a skeleton, staring at me with empty eye sockets. I inhaled sharply and attempted to back against the wall closest to me but I jerked to a sudden stop and ended up falling over.

I looked at my feet to see chains attaching my ankles and wrists to the floor. "What the-"

"Glad to see you're awake." A voice said.

I turned sharply. 

A tall woman stood behind me. She wore a long red dress and red high heels. Her arms were covered in gold bands and intricately carved bracelets and her long hair was piled up on her head, covered in gold and jewels. Teardrop shaped golden earrings hung from her ears. She smiled down at me.

I gaped. "What do you mean? Where- What-" My heart sank. "I thought I died?"

The woman's smile widened. "Oh! My apologies for the misunderstanding. You are dead. You've been dead for months."

I frowned. "But... But I don't remember going to the Underworld? I was never judged."

"Well, we thought a special soul like yours might be worth saving."

"What do you mean by that?" I looked around wildly. "Who is we?"

The woman merely smiled again and snapped her fingers at the skeleton. It stood and I tried to scramble back but was once again abruptly stopped by my shackles.

"He won't hurt you." The woman said.

The skeleton began advancing towards me once again and this time I stayed put. It reached into its rib cage and brought out a ring of keys. My eyes widened.

"Does it just keep stuff in there?"

The woman stayed quiet. The skeleton unlocked the cuffs around my wrists. I rubbed where they had been on too tightly and left a red mark. It then unlocked the ones around my ankles and when I looked down, I cried out.

My sides had two long cuts running through them and going straight through the centre of my body was a hole. The sides of the cuts were covered in scars and bruises.

The woman frowned. "Ah, yes, about that. The empousa made a messy job of it, it will definitely leave permanent scarring, my dear, but you should be fine otherwise."

"Fine?" I said incredulously. "I'm dead!"

The woman let out a light laugh. "Oh, you are a funny one. That reminds me, I nearly forgot why I came here. My, ah, my patron has requested you become my assistant, she did not specify why but I'm not going to complain about a helper."

I gaped. "I just died and you want me to be your assistant? Who even are you?"

"All in good time, my dear." She smiled. "If you were to accept my offer you would of course return to the land of the living."

I furrowed me brows. "How would you even do that?"

The woman shrugged. "My patron has her ways."

I hesitated and my eyes flickered to the skeleton. "And uhm, what would... what would being your assistant entail, exactly?"

The woman's smile widened. "Well, you would help me with my business. I know children of Hecate are rather good with potions and such, you would be quite useful."

I looked around the room, frowning. "That's it? No catch? And I get to- I get to be alive again?"

The woman nodded. "That is all."

I studied the woman. She didn't display any characteristics that could lead me to not trust her. She was just standing there and smiling, and something in her voice...

"Alright, so, uhm, what now?" I frowned. "Boss? Ma'am? Uhh..."

The woman let out another tinkling laugh. "She's sweet, isn't she?" She said to the skeleton.

She turned back to me, smiling brighter than ever. "You may call me Medea, darling. Pleasure doing business with you."

Hi, yup, here we are again. I wonder if I'll ever publish this. Probably. If you are reading this then I guess I did. It's really late and I'm really tired so I'm going to bed now.

I have nothing to say currently so see you next time I guess.

Who am I even talking to? What am I doing?

Alright, that's enough I just spent like five minutes questioning my existence it's time to sleep.


Hey, future Corgi here, I would like to apologise on behalf of past sleep deprived Corgi, although the Slimecicle video was very good lol. I would like to thank @Lesbain_Panic and @LogicalLillian379 for not only reading this story but also following me! It means a lot. Also thanks to @bricksnbones for helping so much with my ideas and being my first follower, you're the best <3

But before I go. I hope you are all having a good day and if not then I hope reading this made you feel better, even just a tad.

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters (apart from Lottie) belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based off the Heroes of Olympus series.

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