
"Wait, please don't freak out, or run away. Please don't run away, that's the worst you could do." The brunette panicked, causing Minho to stay put, "you're the first person who's been able to see me since I died."

"You're a ghost?"


"What's your name?"

"Han Jisung, 18 years old." The boy, Jisung, beamed.

"L-Lee Minho. 19 years old." Minho held out his hand for Jisung to shake.

'This is crazy, I literally have to be dreaming. How is it possible that I'm talking to a dead person?'

"Oh, I don't want to be rude, but I can't, like, touch you." Jisung broke Minho out of his thoughts.

"Hm? Why not?"

"Because I'm a ghost, duh. Here, let me show you." Jisung went to hold Minho's hand but instead of the older feeling the impact of the younger's hand, it just went straight through. Then, a gust of cold air engulfed Minho's hand before it gently faded away.

"See. I can't touch humans. I can only touch things. It's very weird."

Minho stood there in shock. His hand was still out. He hadn't really moved much. His jaw was slack and his mouth hung open.

"Please close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just- this is just- this is so crazy." Minho stumbled over his words, not believing anything that was happening right now.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I just don't know what to say."

"How about I take these off," he pointed to his skates, "and get changed and then we can have a normal conversation, sitting down somewhere."

"Yeah, okay." Minho went to sit over on the benches while Jisung went to find his only other change of clothes.

It was strange. Jisung could only wear two outfits. His skating one, and a normal, everyday one. If he wore any other piece of clothing, it would be floating in mid air for other people because he cannot be seen. It's only these pieces of clothing that fade with him.

Once he was changed, he walked over to where Minho was sitting. He had his brows furrowed and looked very deep in thought. Jisung decided to just sit beside him and wait until he had finished thinking.

A few minutes later, Minho spoke up.

"I'm sorry if this is personal and you don't have to answer, but, when and how did you die?"

"Hm...," Jisung thought for a second, "I died February 14th 2019 and I was killed with a shot to the heart." Jisung smiled softly at Minho in an attempt to make light of the situation and to tell him that he really didn't mind talking about it.

Since he didn't have anyone to talk to for the past 4 years, he was willing to talk to Minho about anything he wanted. He just wanted to have a conversation for the first time since his death.

"Do you remember anything about your past life?"

"I remember being a figure skater and I remember all my friends were figure skaters as well. I remember some things about my childhood but they're all rather blurry. I don't know what my parents looked like and I don't know who killed me or why for that matter. My memory is very hazy." He sighed and looked down at his fingers, playing with them in his lap.

"I'm sorry if these questions are a bit too much, I mean it is our first meeting."

"I'm just glad to have someone to talk to."

"Do you remember your friends names?"

"How could I forget? Lee Felix was my closest friend. He was kind of the mood maker, funny, kind, clumsy, and a bit stupid. He would always get into trouble, dragging me down with him. It was funny at the time. We would always joke about when we got scolded." Jisung smiles to himself.

"He cared about me a lot. Maybe too much now I think about it. He was a very protective character. If anyone tried to hurt me, he would be the first one to stand up for me, the first one to defend me. I would do the same for him. He had blonde hair and freckles. He was gorgeous. Truly made to be a model. He was a day younger than me, but I looked up to him. He was a very good figure skater. He was also Australian.

Kim Seungmin. He was stern, quite sarcastic, but very mature. He was a good fighter as well and always tried to put up a wall, but if you broke it down, he was very fragile and rather insecure. He tended to bottle his emotions up and lash out at people but he really meant no harm. He's one of the kindest people I know. He's younger than me, but he almost raised me. He has brunette hair like me but with blonde highlights at the front. He looked good. Very cute, but he would kill me if he ever heard me say that." Jisung chuckled to himself slightly. Reminiscing on the memories he held closest to his heart. The memories with his friends. 

"My youngest friend was Yang Jeongin. Childish and playful. He was a good kid. He did well in school. He definitely wore his heart on his sleeve, very open to anyone. He just gave it away like it was something to toss around like that. I was worried about him, you know? Well, I still worry about him. I don't want him to get hurt again. He's very sensitive. Very trusting, but very insecure. He tried to get validation from as many people as possible and people took advantage of that. It was easy to tell when he was upset, he was very easy to read.

Jeongin had black hair. Very soft. He kind of looked like a fox and Seungmin looked like a dog. His smile was adorable. His eyes would close when he smiled. He was vey cute. Loved by everyone." Jisung sighed and fiddled with the hem of his shirt.


"No, it's okay. I'm sure you miss them a lot."

"I do. Thank you for listening. I haven't had someone to talk to in years. It feels nice to not be alone again."

"I don't understand how you've made it this far without being driven to madness."

"I don't have a brain to be driven to madness, I guess."

"Do you skate?" Jisung asked, suddenly changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'm on the ice hockey team at my school." Jisung smiled to himself. He missed this so much. He wanted to cry. But he couldn't. He was a ghost. And ghost's can't cry.

"Well..." Minho coughed slightly to get Jisung's attention, "I think I should go now."

"Oh! Of course." Jisung said, surprise and sadness evident in his tone.

"You'll come visit, right?"

"I'll try my best."

"Thank you. Next time, bring your skates." Jisung beamed at him. Minho studied his face quickly. He has a heart shaped smile.


"I'll see you later then?"

"See you later, Minho." Minho laughed and waved goodbye.

"Han Jisung..." Minho thought to himself, "where have I heared that name before?"

Ghostly Beauty - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now